Kinda meh on my idea. Other assets are not coming along like I'd hope. And the main suacer was just massive. Was over 5gb at first, so I couldn't even open it anywhere to clean it up. Meshlab just crashed, and Blender couldn't even reopen it (somehow 5gb turning into over 20gb consumed).
Finally lowered the density of all the instances, got rid of the main city tower, and was able to get a 1.88gb file, which I was able to further reduce to 650mb, but it lost a lot of computed normal information, and boxes look weirdly convexed with TG computing the normals. So specular highlights look like weird ribbons popping out.
Also really dislike how TG handles emission. I blender you can ramp of emission and it's just brighter colours that you chose, but in TG, the colours blow out and go white with higher intensities. So you gotta use two objects, but even then, to get the colour I want, WITH SOLID REDS, at the intensity I need, it's just bright yellow-orange.
Unless I'm actually trying to simulate colours blowing out like this, it's kinda just wrong to default too. I dunno.
May end up doing this project in Blender. Cause not having the brooding blooms I envisioned kinda ruins the whole mood of the scene.