Hannes' Horizon thread

Started by Hannes, April 10, 2022, 12:04:59 PM

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I think your concept was better stated with the earlier images where the sky horizon was more distant. The storm front on top of the mountains now dramatically reduces the sense of space, leaving only the function of the deep space arrays to 'tell the story'. Perhaps you could have both your mountains and your storm front if the cloud cover was lifted, allowing the sky and a sense of distance to be restored?  Regardless it's a really fine image and once again raises the bar for the rest of us! Good Luck! (though you rarely need it!)


Thanks for your kind reply!! :)
Although I'm quite happy with the result so far, there's still enough time to try things. Who knows, what it's going to look like in the end?


Yeah, I love that lighting and haze under the clouds. Definitely looks like something brewing.

To me the clouds actually give depth to the scene. Makes the distant hills believably far.

The array is already massive and sprawling and the distance between the arrays and hills wasn't sufficiently "highlighted" imo. Was hard to tell what distances were being looked at..


Actually I decided to keep my last version for now. I did some tests with different cloud settings, but I like it as it is. So, I think, it's good to leave it for a while and to do something else, and maybe return to it later to see it with fresh eyes.

Ariel DK

Wow nice progression! Personally, the clouds in the background like me a little bit more, create "hope" in terms of color and symbolism and also correctly drive from left to right the view in terms of composition, but of course, this is all on you, the last one also have similar feelings.
But what it really gave me "Horizon" vibes, is seen Terragen running on that laptot...
Hmmm, what version of Terragen does God use?


Quote from: Ariel DK on May 03, 2022, 06:33:08 PMBut what it really gave me "Horizon" vibes, is seen Terragen running on that laptot...

Yeah that really is a great touch. Breaks the fourth wall, but in a good way. 


Thanks again, guys!! :)
Ariel, I didn't get, what you mean by "the clouds in the background like me a little bit more, create "hope" in terms of color and symbolism and also correctly drive from left to right the view in terms of composition".

Ariel DK

Quote from: Hannes on May 04, 2022, 04:40:16 AMThanks again, guys!! :)
Ariel, I didn't get, what you mean by "the clouds in the background like me a little bit more, create "hope" in terms of color and symbolism and also correctly drive from left to right the view in terms of composition".
I was going to download the image, make some doodles with lines explaining things about composition, but im on work now, so i gonna say that it was just a way to argue that i like more "VLA 173" haha  ;)
EDIT: I mean, both last ones was great renders. With "drive the view" i mean that there is a compostion "rule" that said it is OK to put the Vanishing Point horizontally centered to the right side of the image, for western people like you and me, usually used to read from left to right, cuz this also indirectly affect the way we observe things, including images. However, just a personal thought i had.
Hmmm, what version of Terragen does God use?


I think I see what he means. In 173, the clouds are a little lower than the dish, which, at least to me, helps with the towering nature of the dish in the foreground. While I like the clouds in the latest, the elevation peak of the clouds in 173 is better imo.

Maybe could scrunch them down a wee with a scalar as a depth mod input (or multiplier to whatever you have going) set a little lower than 1.


Thanks a lot for your input, guys!! Very much appreciated! :)
I'm sure, I need  a break from that a while. I'm really happy with the clouds at the moment, but I have to take a look later. Maybe I will still be happy with them, or I'll change things...


Phenomenal clouds, would love to see an animation between those two renders (storm front rolling in)!


I just submitted my entry. It's actually the last image I posted here in my thread. I called it "Listening".

Is there any place we can see the already submitted entries?


Yeah, I'll add it [to the contest page] as soon as Danny CC's me. I don't have access to the contest email.

Edit: looks like Danny already got you up on the page.



Your picture is awesome, very realistic.

Did you buy the car object? The reflections are something i would like to learn.
If you bought it how much, where did you get it, it comes with materials, UV's or whatever?

Did you have to do anything to the car, or did it fit into the scene right away?



Quote from: Doug on May 14, 2022, 10:32:00 AMYour picture is awesome, very realistic.

Did you buy the car object? The reflections are something i would like to learn.
If you bought it how much, where did you get it, it comes with materials, UV's or whatever?

Did you have to do anything to the car, or did it fit into the scene right away?

Thanks a lot, Doug!
Actually I don't remember, if I bought the model or if it was a free one. I think, it was free, since I very rarely buy models.
I strongly recommend to take a look at my materials thread:
On page one you'll find a set for the legacy renderer including reflective car paint and chrome, and on page 6 there's a set optimised for the path tracer (those were the ones I used for this image).

I think, I never found an object I could use straight away in TG. Most of the time they have the wrong scale, the pivot is not where it should be, and the materials have to be reworked always.
In this case, I replaced the wheels by better ones, since the tyres were quite edgy. Apart from that the wheels weren't positioned correctly.