RTP cloud preview:
I have to say that the new cloud voxel behavior in RTP is not helping *at all*. It's been a hit and miss before but still somewhat similar to the render most of the time, now it's always way off. I'm not getting anything close to what the render result is and most of the time it's just a white/grey patch without any details or shadows. Waiting doesn't improve it much, and doesn't make sense considering we had a much closer RTP preview in previous version right from the start after a few seconds already.
Also, this build renders slower than most previous builds going back 3 years. The render times for the attached file are:
I did some tests, please have a look at the attached screenshots, it should be self-explanatory. Tgd file is attached, too (originally created in 4.4.18 frontier, I believe).
TG 4.2.10 - 9:40 mins
TG 4.3.23 - 8:39 mins
TG 4.4.18 - 8:45 mins
TG 4.4.45 - 8:46 mins
TG 4.4.67 - 8:45 mins
TG 4.5.60 - 8:51 mins
TG 4.6.11 - 9:07 mins
...it looks like TG got faster with 4.3 but slightly slower with each new version after that.
VDB export:
Thank you for finally adding this in the window build - much appreciated. I would like to request a few things:
- a way to swap Y/Z axis for the exported vdb file (some apps use Z up)
- a way to override coordinates. Some apps will have problems with large distances from origin. Not much of a problem for TG but can cause all kinds of headaches in other apps and renderers. Having a way to override all coordinates to 0/0/0 would be good to have in those cases
- export multiple cloud layers into one file, if possible