I purchased and downloaded a nice dropship model some time ago only to find out, that it's a Unitypackage and can't be opened and/or exported but with Unity. So recently I installed Unity, dug my way through the net to find a way to export it, and was successful eventually. I reworked the textures and created a scene in TG with an overflight above some Gaea terrain. I added a population of trees with 32.000.000 instances, which was quite demanding for my computer. I have 32 GB of RAM, but even after creating a population cache (2GB!) I had to render the sequence in several steps, because I wasn't even able to read my e-mails during the render process. I tried to replace the poulation with fake stones as fake trees, which looked somehow OK, but the real ones looked way better. So I bit the bullet...
The jet engine fire is made with a model of two long planes attached to each other like an X (see image "Object preview"). For the material I used Ulco's transparency falloff solution and masked the image map that controls the opacity additionally with a static power fractal. Thus, since the aircrafts fly at high speed through 3D space I got a nice flickering effect. Originally rendered in 800 X 450 px and upscaled to Full HD with Topaz Video Enhance AI.
I didn't want to compress this clip to fit the maximum size of 5MB. So those who are interested can download it here: