Feature Request: Mask editor

Started by lonewolf, January 03, 2008, 02:05:43 AM

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Just a quickie. Would it be possible to create a simple mask creator/editor in TG? You could assign it a camera and it would create a low res render to the size you require (eg. 1024x1024), and then allow you to create your mask by painting over the render. I know this can be done by rendering say an ortho view and opening it in another program and painting over a transparent second layer, but for speed and ease if it could be done internally that would be nice. Perhaps it could be a node that could be utilized by many in creating good landscapes/forests etc.

eg. camera2 -> mask maker -> fake stones -> etc.


Harvey Birdman

Hey, guy -

I wouldn't hold my breath on a built-in editor, but a good freebie is Paint.Net. Click here.


So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Yeah Paint.Net is what I use as well. I tend to just need to alter levels, contrast or sharpness on TG images and create the odd image mask. For this sort of thing it works well and therefore I can't justify the cost of buying a paint package just to carry out the above.

The only thing I hope they add in the future is the ability to work with .EXR files.


Just wanted to add that I didn't mean to say I wouldn't like this ability in Terragen as well but I guess it falls into the same sort of category as star fields. I think the ability to add a star field inside Terragen would be a nice adition as well, with the ability to set the amount of stars, the colour, and a random seed etc. The problem is that this can also be created outside of Terragen, but it's a hassle to have to load up another package and spend longer creating it, save it out, import it into Terragen, rather then just clicking a button from within Terragen. Of course assuming you didn't want exactly the same star field in all your images you would have to go through this entire process again to create another image instead of just hitting the random seed button.

I guess what I'm saying is that I tend to agree that these things would be a nice addition to Terragen but because they can be done (fairly) easily in other software they may be a lower priority than say SSS which everyone seems to want.


We do hope to add this sort of functionality in the future but it definitely won't be possible for the 2.0 final release.

- Oshyan


Quote from: reck on January 03, 2008, 10:20:09 AM
Just wanted to add that I didn't mean to say I wouldn't like this ability in Terragen as well but I guess it falls into the same sort of category as star fields. I think the ability to add a star field inside Terragen would be a nice adition as well, with the ability to set the amount of stars, the colour, and a random seed etc. The problem is that this can also be created outside of Terragen, but it's a hassle to have to load up another package and spend longer creating it, save it out, import it into Terragen, rather then just clicking a button from within Terragen. Of course assuming you didn't want exactly the same star field in all your images you would have to go through this entire process again to create another image instead of just hitting the random seed button.

I guess what I'm saying is that I tend to agree that these things would be a nice addition to Terragen but because they can be done (fairly) easily in other software they may be a lower priority than say SSS which everyone seems to want.

Though there are no direct options to create starfields in TGTP, I remember seeing a post where someone had created a starfield procedurally.  I haven't tested it directly, but if it looks good enough, I think this would be acceptable.  Other options (though not sure about masks) may be able to be created procedurally as well. 
mood-inspiring images and music


Yes I remember that post, the results looked quite good as well. I still think that's over complicatated though and wouldn't provide exact control. If I remember correctly you had to add half a dozen different function nodes, this seems way over the top just add some stars and a lot of people just wouldn't understand how it works. Adding something like stars should be simple, maybe a new star shader or just a control within the Atmosphere tab for instance.

Simplicity, speed and fine control go along way in improving useability.


Quote from: reck on January 03, 2008, 05:48:51 PM
Simplicity, speed and fine control go along way in improving useability.

I can't argue with that.   :)
mood-inspiring images and music