They're guillemot. Yes they are small, I should have made the cliffs a bit smaller, or put the cam closer. I don't intend to work anymore on this, it was just experimenting and plunk in some guillies. No, you're not irritatingly annoying and nitpicking
Dirk; try using a unclamped color PF (use low octave) and haul it through a smooth step. You can play with the color values of the PF (1 can be 3 or more...) to get 'flattened bumps', then be creative with the step inputs (2 and 3). You can use two constant scalars with values that make the protrusions either flat or rounded, both at bottem end and top. Number 2 at minus a bit, and number 3 at plus 1 upwards. But you can also use PF's for those 2 inputs for some variation. Color values would be more or less the same as the constants, but with some difference, and a scale at which these differences should act. These differences will translate in the breakup of the edges, or (with a more rounded top) extending onto those tops. You can warp the lot too, then use it as displacement value after a compute terrain (after the main terrain is displaced), either by normal or by lateral only (or both). Or add a strata shader somewhere along the line. But it would work best if the main terrain displacement is not overly detailed.
Interesting stuff to play with.