
Started by jagguy, January 06, 2008, 05:06:35 AM

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I have terragen 2 (free version) and 0.9. I want to create terrain to load into directx c++. To do this i see the terragen files are saved as .tdg and i believe i need it in RAW format.

q)How to I get the terragen files in a format I can load into directx?

q)I need to create a height map with terragen yes as directx can handle this?


I'm not sure this is possible, since it sounds like you're asking for the code that is behind TG2.  If not, then I'd say what you're asking isn't possible.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


In Terragen 0.9 simply create your terrain then export to .raw using the Export button in the Landscape window. There are multiple RAW options on the format drop-down. In TG2 it's a little more complicated and .raw export is not directly supported at this point. However, unless TG 0.9 or TG2 are able to create the specific terrain forms you're looking for, then I would look more closely at a dedicated terrain modeling program like World Machine, Geocontrol, or Wilbur. They offer more control over terrain creation and direct export to multiple formats.

- Oshyan


q)does the terragen 2 commercial copy have an option for RAW or is it just the freeware version  that doesnt do it well?

q) where is there help for terragen .9 because this forum mainly supports terragen 2?

q)i was after a freeware terrain generator that has some toturials and forum support? Is terragen .9 the best ofer?


Terragen 2 does not include a RAW export option at this time. This is true of both the unregistred free Technology Preview 2 as well as the registered version.

You can get help for Terragen 0.9 here as well, but TG2 is the current and most popular product and hence there is more discussion of it. Other independent and more long-term community sites like and may have a higher population of active Terragen 0.9 users who can help you.

Terragen 0.9 and Terragen 2 are both decent terrain generators, but their capabilities are significantly less than those of dedicated terrain modelers like the ones I previously mentioned. Wilbur is 100% free and pretty capable. World Machine has a free but limited version available (512x512 max terrain size and other limitations), and Geocontrol has a time-limited demo. All are under $100 for purchase at this point.

If the terrain and not a rendered image is your main tool requirement and focus then Terragen is probably not the most cost-effective solution for you. You might also check the Terrain Summit for additional discussion on this:

- Oshyan


ok well initially i just want basic features as i am learning to import a terrain into diectx c++ app. Now Wilbur requires an OpenGL installation which i havent got so it seems a bit messy as i am using directx. World machine can only give terrian as sixe 512X512 pixels? this is too small and Geocontrol costs money. I think at this stage i will just use terragen .9 and then move onto something else.

I am just creating a terrain to load into directx c++ for effects.

q) does terragen create the terrain with textures or color? for directx i need to know this information and how to get access to colors used or textures used.


Terragen 0.9, unregistered, is also limited to 513x513 for terrain sizes. World Machine is cheaper to register at this point, and more purpose-built for terrain creation.

Terragen does not directly export color or texture information, although you can render our orthographic views of your terrain and use them as texture overlays. You must create the coloration yourself using the built-in surface mapping system. Some pre-made surface maps are available for download in various places online.

- Oshyan


q)when you say 512X512 is tis vertice no. size you talk about?

q)what do you mean world machine basic is cheaper to register because i  thought it was free? what does unregistered mean as i thought i dont get monthly newsletters being unregistered?

q) where can i get tutorials for terragen or a how to use guide?


Well, what software do you have to convert something to 16bit raw (Photoshop,....)?
I am asking, because directx may not load greater terrains, because of needed memory.

You can try the geocontrol demo for 4 weeks, better then nothing and see, what you really need for your goals. The demo has no limitations, so import and export are working with great terrains.

Developer of GeoControl


Quote from: cajomi on January 07, 2008, 11:53:55 AM
Well, what software do you have to convert something to 16bit raw (Photoshop,....)?
I am asking, because directx may not load greater terrains, because of needed memory.

You can try the geocontrol demo for 4 weeks, better then nothing and see, what you really need for your goals. The demo has no limitations, so import and export are working with great terrains.

sweet, out of curiosity are you going to do an update on pricing for the final anytime soon? (sorry a bit off topic)
The world is round... so you have to use spherical projection.


I will, as soon as the shop is online. May be 2-3 weeks.
Developer of GeoControl


512x512 is pixel size.

World Machine is available in a free version, but you can also pay for a version with more capability (larger terrains, etc.).

Here is the official User Guide for Terragen 0.9:

There are a few websites that have good information in tutorial and forum areas:

And of course this community here is also helpful.

- Oshyan