Rotating easy clouds

Started by Prometheus, December 22, 2024, 02:27:34 PM

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Just re-installed terragen after years of abscence.
now..still the new versions do not allow for rotations of clouds (for those that previously obtously refer´s not natural needed..and you should just generate random seeds, spare me any discussion of that)

Now..i think this is easier to do with the older cloud types, but the easy clouds.
Have checked some info on adding rotate vector before the easy cloud node, but doing that..with that node only and rotate y vector, nothing changes in the cloud.
Then tested the shader transform node, but..nothing happens there either, could be using that wrong.
Not sure if it needs some other function node, vector node directly too, or scalar or something?

Anyone with a screenshot of the proper node setup for that?
I think I had this discussion way back, but got no good guide on how to do it then, other than ..not possible I think, or no good screenshot on nodal setups.

Or is it just not possible with the easy clouds?


The only way that I know of to rotate clouds is to rotate the fractal itself (with a transform shader), not the cloud node. AFAIK, that's impossible with easy cloud as the fractals sit inside, hidden.


Thanks, that is roughly the same answer I think as I got some years ago, not possible with the easy clouds, fractals not exposed.
Still huge bummer, the Planetside team needs to adress this, one should really be able to rotate the clouds to tune it to what you want...not just refering to, random creations of how it is in nature.


You should take a look at Terragen Sky, in which you can paint clouds however you want them. 

Regarding addressing stuff in TG itself. Planetside has a very small team (almost the smallest possible), so I can imagine not all issues and features can be addressed on short term.