Help with Rings

Started by darthvader, February 20, 2008, 01:14:58 PM

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Ok, so it's not earth but the planet came out well. I forgot a population of rings so there will be more layers. There is something about the rings that I don't like but can't put my finger on..mabye they are too dense... Oh well. Any comments, critiques, or suggestions would be very appreciated :)



I like your attempt to make it look like rocks, it give the rings a good effect. The planet has also came out very good. well done

I think the problem with the rings is the big shadow at the back, while the shadow itself is ok, I dont think it gives the right effect on the rings


I think I might like this better without the rings.  Very nice planetary work.  I can see your time on this.  Cool.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Very nice work.  I think the rings are a bit too close to the planet though.
mood-inspiring images and music


Quote from: moodflow on February 20, 2008, 02:52:37 PM
Very nice work.  I think the rings are a bit too close to the planet though.

I think you are right about the distance.  I could tell something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  When I look at pictures of Saturn, the rings look close like that, but most sci-fi images put the rings further out.


Saturn is a LOT bigger then any rocky planet could ever be, so that could explain why it looks different.


Quote from: zionner on February 20, 2008, 01:44:21 PM
I like your attempt to make it look like rocks, it give the rings a good effect. The planet has also came out very good. well done

I think the problem with the rings is the big shadow at the back, while the shadow itself is ok, I dont think it gives the right effect on the rings

That is the planet shadow over the rings so it's normal.


Sorry for bumping this old post..  i'm just getting started with TG (i downloaded it yesterday)(p.s. starting is pretty hard: the basics are simple, but there isn't anything intermediate), and i'm browsing through the forums, and found this one. It looks great, andyour "problem" you can't point the finger to is.. the color. If you lookfor example at , the rings are "colored". Try it :D