Print a 'Settings Profile'...

Started by choronr, January 08, 2007, 11:39:40 PM

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Ok; here is my wish (hope you're listening Oshyan): You've just finished one of your best works with Terragen 2. Its filled with numerous shaders; atmospheric settings; lighting settings; special terrain features; object additions; etc., etc. Now (here comes my wish); wouldn't it be great if we could click on a button called 'Print Profile Settings' and proceed to get a printed copy of all the image's settings. Sure, we can now make reference to previously saved work to see our settings; but, this is slow and time consuming. If we had a 'printed profile' of our image in hand, we could make reference quickly to a specific element's settings while creating a new picture ...good wish; is this a do-able thing??

Tim O'Donoghue

Hi Choronr;

If you save a project as  "ABCD.TGD", you can open the ABCD.TGD file and look directly at all your settings ... and print it.  I use NotePad or other text editor to view and print the file.  The format is somewhat less than ideal, but the sections are all there, as are the settings.

Tim O


Thanks Tim; could you elaborate on that a little; i.e. after opening the file, what do you go to to see all the settings in one place?


I'm sure you know this but, Open Note Pad, click middle drop down box  "files of type" choose "All Files",  then browse to a folder with TG2 files in it, choose one of your .tgd files. You can then see your settings in text for that file.


Thank you Jay and Tim; no excuse, but I haven't used Notepad in years. This method gives  you everything - you've just got to search what you're looking for ...appreciate it guys!

Tim O'Donoghue

When you open the ???.tgd file in a text editor, you'll see something like this:

name = "Project"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "660 -160 0"
gui_group = ""
author = ""
comments = ""
current_frame = "1"
start_frame = "1"
end_frame = "100"
gui_network_view_position = "-526.67 388.342 0"
gui_network_view_size = "530 306 0"
gui_network_view_zoom = "0.299816"
name = "Render Camera"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "640 0 0"
gui_group = "Cameras"
motion_blur_length = "0.5"
position = "0 1000 -1300"
rotation = "-20 30 0"
perspective = "1"
use_horizontal_fov = "1"
horizontal_fov = "60"
use_vertical_fov = "0"
vertical_fov = "40"
orthographic = "0"
use_ortho_width = "1"
ortho_width = "1000"
use_ortho_height = "0"
ortho_height = "1000"
import_filename = ""
name = "Full Render"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "960 -120 0"
gui_group = "Renderers"
image_width = "640"
lock_aspect_ratio = "1"
image_height = "395"
image_aspect_ratio = "1.61803399"
pixel_aspect_ratio = "1"
camera = "Render Camera"
surfaces_visible = "1"
atmosphere_visible = "1"
do_shadows = "1"
detail = "0.5"
anti-aliasing = "3"
do_crop_region = "0"
crop_left = "0"
crop_right = "1"
crop_bottom = "0"
crop_top = "1"
crop_to_object = "0"
crop_object_name = ""
detail_blending = "1"
displacement_filter = "1"
do_reverse_primary_rays = "0"
reverse_primary_rays_multiplier = "1"
fix_holes = "1"
do_ray_traced_shadows = "1"
soft_clip_effect = "1"
soft_clip_softness = "1"
compensate_soft_clip = "1"
contrast = "1"
contrast_adjust = "0.25"
gamma_correction = "2.2"
output_image_filename = "C:/temp.%04d.bmp"
extra_output_images = "1"
extra_output_image_filename = "C:/temp.IMAGETYPE.%04d.bmp"
micro_exporter = "0"
micro_exporter_name = ""
sequence_first = "1"
sequence_last = "100"
sequence_step = "1"
name = "Quick Render"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "960 -180 0"
gui_group = "Renderers"
image_width = "320"
lock_aspect_ratio = "1"
image_height = "198"
image_aspect_ratio = "1.61803399"
pixel_aspect_ratio = "1"
camera = "Render Camera"
surfaces_visible = "1"
atmosphere_visible = "1"
do_shadows = "1"
detail = "0.25"
anti-aliasing = "3"
do_crop_region = "0"
crop_left = "0"
crop_right = "1"
crop_bottom = "0"
crop_top = "1"
crop_to_object = "0"
crop_object_name = ""
detail_blending = "1"
displacement_filter = "1"
do_reverse_primary_rays = "0"
reverse_primary_rays_multiplier = "1"
fix_holes = "1"
do_ray_traced_shadows = "1"
soft_clip_effect = "1"
soft_clip_softness = "1"
compensate_soft_clip = "1"
contrast = "1"
contrast_adjust = "0.25"
gamma_correction = "2.2"
output_image_filename = "C:/temp.%04d.bmp"
extra_output_images = "1"
extra_output_image_filename = "C:/temp.IMAGETYPE.%04d.bmp"
micro_exporter = "0"
micro_exporter_name = ""
sequence_first = "1"
sequence_last = "100"
sequence_step = "1"
name = "Enviro light"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "320 0 0"
gui_group = "Lighting"
enable = "1"
name = "Sunlight 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "320 -60 0"
gui_group = "Lighting"
enable = "1"
heading = "300"
elevation = "25"
color = "1 1 1"
strength = "3.5"
cast_shadows = "1"
shadows_of_surfaces = "1"
shadows_of_atmosphere = "1"
glow_in_atmosphere = "1"
specular_highlights = "1"
visible_disc = "1"
angular_diameter = "0.5"
name = "Background"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "0 -60 0"
gui_group = "Objects"
enable = "1"
show_b-box_in_preview = "0"
center = "0 0 0"
radius = "-2e+008"
rotate = "0 0 0"
import_motion_filename = ""
heading = "0"
elevation = "0"
distance = "0"
surface_shader = "Background shader"
name = "Background shader"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "200 0 0"
gui_group = ""
enable = "1"
input_node = ""
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "0"
gui_preview_patch_size = "1000 1000"
color = "0 0 0"
alpha = "0 0 0"
name = "Planet 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "0 0 0"
gui_group = "Objects"
enable = "1"
show_b-box_in_preview = "0"
render_surface = "1"
render_atmosphere = "1"
center = "4.0886e-022 -6.378e+006 -4.08252e-008"
radius = "6.378e+006"
rotate = "0 0 0"
import_motion_filename = ""
heading = "360"
elevation = "270"
distance = "6.378e+006"
surface_shader = "Base colours"
atmosphere_shader = "Atmosphere 01"
name = "Atmosphere 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "0 220 0"
gui_group = "Atmosphere"
enable = "1"
input_node = ""
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "0"
gui_preview_patch_size = "1000 1000"
enable_primary = "1"
enable_secondary = "1"
center = "4.0886e-022 -6.378e+006 -4.08252e-008"
radius = "6.378e+006"
improved_glow_model = "1"
name = "Base colours"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "-920 220 0"
gui_group = "Shaders"
enable = "1"
input_node = "Compute Terrain"
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "0"
gui_preview_patch_size = "1000 1000"
seed = "8028"
feature_scale = "1"
lead-in_scale = "1000"
smallest_scale = "0.1"
noise_octaves = "15"
apply_high_color = "1"
high_color = "0.3 0.3 0.3"
apply_low_color = "1"
low_color = "0 0 0"
color_contrast = "0.125"
color_offset = "0"
color_roughness = "5"
clamp_high_color = "1"
clamp_low_color = "1"
apply_displacement = "0"
displacement_direction = "1"
displacement_amplitude = "1"
displacement_offset = "0"
displacement_roughness = "1"
displacement_spike_limit = "1"
continue_spike_limit = "0"
adjust_coastline = "0"
coastline_altitude = "0"
coastline_smoothing = "30"
noise_flavour = "0"
noise_variation = "1"
variation_method = "2"
buoyancy_from_variation = "0"
clumping_of_variation = "0"
noise_stretch_XYZ = "1 1 1"
distort_by_normal = "1"
distortion_by_normal = "5"
lead-in_warp_effect = "1"
lead-in_warp_amount = "0.5"
less_warp_at_feature_scale = "0"
allow_vertical_warp = "0"
blend_by_shader = "0"
blending_shader = ""
fit_blendshader_to_this = "0"
invert_blendshader = "0"
name = "Heightfield shader 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "-920 600 0"
gui_group = "Terrain"
enable = "1"
input_node = ""
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "0"
gui_preview_patch_size = "1000 1000"
heightfield = "Heightfield generate 01"
flip_x = "0"
flip_y = "0"
position_centre = "0"
position_lower_left = "1"
position = "0 0"
apply_colour_and_shade = "0"
diffuse_colour = "1 1 1"
ambient_light_colour = "0 0 0"
shade_by_light = "1"
shade_by_height = "0"
height_multiplier = "1"
flatten_surface_first = "1"
interpolation_method = "3"
add_fractal_detail = "1"
fractal_amount = "0.5"
fractal_scale_adjust = "4"
fractal_variation = "1.5"
fractal_roughness = "1"
fractal_flow_factor = "0"
border_blending = "0.1"
blend_by_heightfield = "0"
blending_heightfield = ""
blend_by_shader = "0"
blending_shader = ""
fit_blendshader_to_this = "1"
invert_blendshader = "0"
name = "Heightfield generate 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "-720 660 0"
gui_group = "Terrain"
input_node = ""
new_heightfield = "1"
size_in_pixels = "1000 1000"
size_in_metres = "10000 10000"
feature_scale = "2000"
feature_steepness = "0.25"
roughness = "0.875"
seed = "22328"
variation = "1.5"
variation_method = "2"
buoyancy_from_variation = "0.5"
shader = ""
position_center = "0"
position_lower_left = "1"
position = "0 0"
auto_generate = "0"
name = "Compute Terrain"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "-920 500 0"
gui_group = "Terrain"
enable = "1"
input_node = "Heightfield shader 01"
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "0"
gui_preview_patch_size = "1000 1000"
gradient_patch_size = "10"
smooth_surface = "0"
name = "Objects"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "0 -80 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "240 320 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.8 0.8 0.8"
special_group = "1"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Terrain"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "-720 600 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "640 320 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.212 0.5174 0.1139"
special_group = "2"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Shaders"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "-720 220 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "640 280 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.7969 0.1604 0.1604"
special_group = "3"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Water"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "200 600 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "640 240 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.1 0.5 0.35"
special_group = "4"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Atmosphere"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "200 230 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "640 160 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.231 0.3204 1"
special_group = "5"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Lighting"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "320 -80 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "240 320 1"
gui_node_colour = "1 0.7299 0.2195"
special_group = "6"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Cameras"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "640 -80 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "240 320 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.3021 0.2674 0.4647"
special_group = "7"
global_bookmark = "1"
name = "Renderers"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "960 -80 0"
gui_group = ""
gui_node_size = "240 320 1"
gui_node_colour = "0.7372 0.344 0.212"
special_group = "8"
global_bookmark = "1"

... that is, all the settings.


Thank you Tim; now, all I need to do is find my text editor. Your text is neat and organized - much better than what I see in Notepad.

Tim O'Donoghue


Scite is also fantastic for formatting text, especially text that is code, like xml.


[Edit]: Forgot to mention that Scite is a free source code editor, just a small download too!



So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?



If you use an XML editor you might be able to view the file in a more friendly looking way that just the raw text. Most decent XML editors will let you collapse and expand elements and such.




Thanks to you all and the Planetside staff for your suggestions. I find that WordPad works pretty good and will use it.