Thick/Thin connection-lines between nodes???

Started by Tangled-Universe, June 01, 2008, 06:09:19 PM

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Hi Everybody,

Like the title says I'm wondering what thick or thin connection-lines between the nodes does mean?
Sometimes I create a surface layer and I attach a different break-up shader to it and a thin dark-gray line appears instead of a thick light-gray one.
Is there any difference? The search-function didn't gave me an aswer so far.
Thanks in advance for your time guys.



I've only noticed a difference in node lines between disabled nodes and enabled nodes.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


That's a coincidence - I just noticed the same thing yesterday.  But the thin line was going into a node that was disabled but I'd just enabled...when I went away from the node view and back in it was solid again like the rest of them...I assumed it was just an update or refresh bug?


Maybe,...I just noticed this morning when I loaded the tgd all the lines became solid white. Still don't know what it means but it seems to be not so really significant.
Maybe thin gray lines are things you've added after saving for the last time, a wild guess...


A "dimmer" (more faded, less visible) node connection line indicates an inactive data path, a connection to inactive nodes. Other variations of color are either due to changes in the color scheme, or rendering/refresh artifacts. They do not have other significance as far as I am aware.

- Oshyan