Frusterating dead links

Started by bobbystahr, January 12, 2009, 12:33:05 PM

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Hello Admin....could we maybe clear out all the lightning links in file sharing as all are dead links...y'know how it goes...lightning strikes and all that's left in it's path/wake is wanton destruction....sigh
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


Good idea.

Although still a member JCinBAMA has attempted to remove all the object links that he/she posted.  This section is peppered with threads that say No_Topic; these clearly contained links to object downloads at some point but these have been removed.  If a little tidying is possible would it be a service to JCinBAMA  to remove her/his links also as this is clearly intended.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast.