Majestic Morning Mountian

Started by dwilson, February 20, 2009, 06:06:39 PM

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I prefer the second one with more contrast.



The clouds look good now, but for my taste there's way too much (and too saturated) green. A little less green and some nice rock texture plus a little bit snow would be perfect.


I made the rock a lot better by enabling intersect underlying on the grass layer and some other tweaks.  Also I forgot to mention before that the grass is lightning's, and the trees are from xfrog



Geez.  My first response outloud was, "That can't be real (meaning a TG2 render).".  I actually thought this was a photo at first.  I love your foliage color - save that.  It's perfect.   8)
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?