Big Sky

Started by FrankB, May 18, 2009, 04:47:22 PM

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Hi guys,

I have just played a little bit with my sky starter files, made a few modification, and then out of the sudden did not have time do any more with it, had to attend to something else. I thought I could at least start a larger than usual test render, and when I get back, see what came out of it. I thought, if the render dies because the render was too large... well then it dies. Luckily it did not die, and instead turned out quite nice - I think.

Again, not a sophisticated scene, but I thought I'd share anyway.



Like the idea of rain clouds, but maybe there's too much grain.  What is your atmosphere and cloud quality?
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Quote from: calico on May 19, 2009, 07:44:24 AM
Like the idea of rain clouds, but maybe there's too much grain.  What is your atmosphere and cloud quality?

Thanks Calico, atmosphere and cloud quality is pretty decent. can't look it up now. Yes there is some grain in the lowest part, but the for  most part the clouds are pretty fine I would say. Remember, it was a render I have just pushed before I had the chance to fine tune.
What I find interesting, and that's the main reason why I have posted it, is the visible cloud detail that comes with the size of the render.
3000x1500 is quite something for TG2 ;)



Hey Frank, I'm not sure why it didn't register you rendered something so large. How long did it take to render?
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?



That's fast ;) The clouds sure would look great in an image :D
What you wish to kindle in others must burn within yourself. - Augustine


Hmmm...I don't know Frank...I'm probably the only one who isn't really sure about these clouds.
The fractal generates a kind of noise which I don't like in the thinner parts of the clouds, especially the edges.
The clouds look like bath-foam or something similar. This is probably also emphasized by the rather large small scale features.



I know what you mean! That's indeed the weak part. The smallest scale is at 1, though, so that's not it.

I still believe the sky is pretty promising, provided I get those things fixed. I just needed a little bit of feedback to get me going at it again, I think ;D



Quote from: FrankB on May 19, 2009, 03:47:38 PM
I know what you mean! That's indeed the weak part. The smallest scale is at 1, though, so that's not it.

I still believe the sky is pretty promising, provided I get those things fixed. I just needed a little bit of feedback to get me going at it again, I think ;D


Perhaps the large resolution uncovers details which just doesn't look so nice when "blown up". A bit the same problem that clouds look great at distance or close-up but not the other way around at the same time. See what I mean?
With smallest scale I didn't mean the actual scale but the medium size flocky features.

However, I think the lighting and colors make some nice rainclouds. Perhaps with some adjustments you'll have another nice cloudscape.
