Rookie with wildfire

Started by rainwave, July 31, 2009, 05:20:16 PM

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Rookie here. Just started working with T2. I will make this short as possible. First off my CPU
Dual core Mac Pre Intel 1g ram. (I know..... not much)

Purpose I came across this software.

Been tasked to do animation flyover of maps of wildfires. Textures and terrain do not half to be Industrial Light and Magic quality. Just some good ahhh factor for morning briefings at large fires. It sounds like it takes weeks to render a 30-60sec scene. This may not be the right program for what I am looking for.Before I allocate budget money for this I am just wondering if this is the right program.

Final product would be quicktime mov format to be edited in FCP and Motion.....

Thank You


It really depends on size of the movie and complexity of the scene.  If all you need is simple surfacing (no trees, etc.), minimal clouds, and a movie of say 720 x 480 then things can render reasonably quickly.  There is also Terragen 0.9 which when also used with reasonable settings can create animations fairly quickly as well.