Multi Colured Populations .tgd

Started by dandelO, October 10, 2009, 11:40:32 AM

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No matter, I'm an idiot.


To colour individual instances:

No matter, I'm an idiot.


No matter, I'm an idiot.


No matter, I'm an idiot.

Henry Blewer

I have been reading this thread each time you have added to it. I just read it again and something went 'click'. I understand what you have done. You are right about it being simple, if I did this a few times it could become an automatic way to do populations for many projects. Great job!
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


That's pretty cool.  8)

While there is no substitute for a real per instance method of varying colours this method of using painted shaders comes close.  Would you want to paint spots for 100000 trees.  ;) ;D

I seldom use the painted shader so would never have thought of it.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast.


No matter, I'm an idiot.


This pretty much sums up the method, but I want to add that when I initially got the idea, I used an image map (wild camouflage pattern of colors you need) to color the population and 'projected' it through an extra camera. I still prefer this (and it might be good for others to know it works), as you can have a folder full of different tiles, choose one and most importantly, change the size and direction of projection onto the population. Just copy the population coordinates to the camera, then up the Y, and set the angle X to -90 degrees. Higher camera broadens the tile (of course, set the image map to repeat). The camera and image map can be set up outside the object, and used for several populations. Even by hanging a color adjust under the image map shader and link to that in another population.

Hopes this helps.



I'm wondering if it has to be an image map? Wouldn't it work to generate a colour noise cloud? 3 perlin noise nodes, one for each RGB channel, then merge?


No matter, I'm an idiot.