Photorealistic sculptures

Started by Kadri, November 30, 2009, 02:40:02 PM

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this guy sort of looks like tony blair lol
My terragen gallery:


Quote from: wetbanana on November 30, 2009, 05:06:03 PM
this guy sort of looks like tony blair lol

It does, doesn't it.
A glaikit-looking Blair immediately after being Bushwhacked (happy-slapped into compliance) in a Texas ranch in April 2002.

ps. "glaikit" is Scottish slang for a stupid, gormless, vacant look.

I hope I realise I don't exist before I apparently die.


Very cool. Talk about talent.

I can appreciate how difficult it is to sculpt. I have been working on a bust of President Johnson on and off for about two months. The image is my progress so far. This is being done in ZBrush 3.5r3.

Kinda looks like him.

Marc Gebhart

Henry Blewer

This is very good. Half the battle is getting the skin textures right.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


The one where there's a fat guy glaring at the camera was on the cover of DISCOVER once. Two of the major articles that month were "Killer Fat" and "The Big Bang Machine", which led one reader to write in saying they lol'd after seeing the fat guy and "The Big Bang Machine". :D
They just issued a tornado warning and said to stay away from windows. Does that mean I can't use my computer?