Sand dunes

Started by FG19, January 13, 2010, 05:30:19 AM

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Hi there
I want to create a sea of sand dunes. What would be the best way of doing that?
Thanks for any help.

Henry Blewer

The simple way is to use a ridged noise on the Fractal Landscape. There is more that can be done, but I would like to see an image from you. Then us forum junkies can see where to give better/more advice.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


Thanks, where in the interface do I find that, you can tell I'm new to this :)

Henry Blewer

Nearly everything in Terragen 2 starts with the Terrain Tab. Click on the Add Terrain and you should see Fractal as a choice.

Here is a link that will explain a lot about Terragen 2. It's the User Guide. I re-read it on occasion just to refresh my memory.

Here is a link to Schmeerlap's tutorial on getting started with Terragen 2. It's one of the best (maybe the best) tutorial written about getting started in Terragen 2.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


Thanks, I have read the Planetside tutorial but I'l give the second one a go, looks interesting.

Henry Blewer

It took me a while to get to know where things were, and what they did. When I started using T2, there was very little documentation. I avoided forums (still do) until I read a few posts in this one. I liked the camaraderie and the quick responses from other users and the staff at Planetside. Now I am a junkie... 8)
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T