
Started by Viktim, January 18, 2010, 04:27:51 PM

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Recently i got the full version of Terragen2 and since my new computer haven't arrived yet, i couldn't wait to make new images. The render time was INSANE!!!!! 83hours..........I did have some insane amount of populations though.

Clouds from: (RArcher)
Grass: Wallis
Tree: Wallis

If i remember right, the render settings was:

Detail: 0.8
AA: 7
Ray trace objects:ON
GI: 3/3
Supersample prepass: OFF
GI surface details: OFF


EDIT: Its not finished. As soon as i get my new computer i will add "wet shore" effect and adjust the population a bit.

Henry Blewer

I have learned to use a distance shader with grass populations. The distant color can be applied by copying the grass shader colors, or using an image map for coloring with the map image (not as easy.)  I used Blenders color picker to grab the color values from a image loaded into the image viewer in Blender.)
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


very pleasant scene :)


i have never used distance shader before, but like 2 weeks ago some on the forum did a very good explanation on how it works so i may use it. But shouldn't a distribution shader be good in this case so the grass lines up with the shore?

Henry Blewer

Or it can be used to make the edge of the grass thin as it approaches the shore.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


Nice start to this scene - I have to learn about the distance shader myself! :)