Displacement Shader MOLA map shader

Started by mda, April 26, 2010, 03:20:15 PM

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I am looking for good tutorials to use the Displacement Shader feature in Terragen 2.

I very much appreciate any information on using the Displacement Shader in Terragen 2.

Thank You



The Displacement Shader takes color information as input and outputs Displacement. You should connect it into your Shader or Terrain network to add Displacement based on input from a shader that provides color (e.g. a noise function, image map shader, etc.).

The MOLA shader is separate and not dependent on the Displacement Shader. You include the MOLA shader in your Terrain network, before Compute Terrain. Simply load compatible MOLA data and it should add appropriately positioned Mars-sourced terrain to your planet. You may need to zoom out to a view of the planet to see it, depending on the scale of the MOLA data you're using and where it geolocates it.

- Oshyan