LWO micro exporter: What all is exported?

Started by PabloMack, January 16, 2011, 11:18:05 AM

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When using the "LWO micro exporter", what all is included in the LWO? Only the terrain? Are plants and other "objects" included as part of the geometry? Is water? Are clouds? Seems to me that soft objects such as clouds would not have hard edges and might, in stead, be part of the lighting system so at least these would not be represented in the LWO output.



Land and sea and planes within the cameras field of view at the detail level of the render settings. Nothing else, no textures or atmospherics. Try doing overhead Orthographic camera projection camera renders for creating a 3d "map". The texture that is rendered at the same time (but not "exported") will then map perfectly onto your lwo terrain.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Quote from: Tangled-Universe on January 16, 2011, 12:22:24 PM
Why don't you try it? ;)

The thought did occur to me. But then I thought of something else I need to do more. Texas State Sales/Use taxes are due in five days. Good thing because I came back later and Richard saved the day.


You should still test it ~ I'm known to get things wrong ... often !!
::) :-[

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Quote from: cyphyr on January 16, 2011, 04:25:25 PM
You should still test it ~ I'm known to get things wrong ... often !!
::) :-[

Regardless of that, it would never hurt to first try something yourself and then ask if problems occur ;)


Actually, I did try it first and it didn't answer my question. This is one of those things that trying first is not likely to clearly answer my question. You first export a LWO then import and try to figure out what in TG2 corresponds to what in LW. I can't really tell what all is being exported: I lost all the textures. And the polys generated in TG2 depend on the distance from the camera so comparing polys is not very useful. Try to line up the cameras. Hummm...yep. Looks like a whole bunch of polys...YEP! A WHOLE BUNCH OF POLYS! Ever go bird-watching and ask "Where is the bird you are looking at?" The guy tells you "Its just to the right of that green leaf over there." You look and there are about a kazillion green leaves in front of you. Well, this is one of those times when it is better to ask someone to find out what it is SUPPOSED to be doing before go any further.


Ok, so except for the orthographic camera setup you knew the answers yourself already ;)

Please, next time tell what you already did, because you often start discussions this way and it always seems you're not doing a thing yourself at first.
Which is not always the case, it seems.
Also, by doing this you are likely to get more precise/directed suggestions.


Quote from: Tangled-Universe on January 17, 2011, 02:13:15 AM
Ok, so except for the orthographic camera setup you knew the answers yourself already ;)

I'll pretend you didn't say that.

I am still evaluating cyphyr's suggestion for use of orthographic camera.


If you just go for the orthographic top-down approach, you might as well use Heightfield Export LWO instead. It's a lot more controllable, has no holes, and will give you the same or better output. The advantage of the LWO Microexporter is it can capture overhangs and other non-planar features that a heightfield export won't, but if you're already rendering from above that advantage is nullified.

- Oshyan