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General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: AP on June 03, 2014, 02:03:39 PM

Title: The End of Oppression
Post by: AP on June 03, 2014, 02:03:39 PM
Title: Re: The End of Oppression
Post by: N-drju on June 04, 2014, 04:34:19 AM
This gonna be long, be afraid, be very afraid... ;)

First of all, she is far too young for such far-fetched analysis to be even remotely believable. Second, she is obviously biased by her own system of values (note the tattoos) so rather than objectively informing the viewer she is speaking out her mind in public. Thirdly, she speaks of control but her thrifty mimic, wording and carefully planned communication does just that with the viewers...

For one thing, I do agree with her however. It is that part when she speaks about governments and not people fighting wars and being violent. In the history of world conflicts we can find many examples of wars being fought between otherwise peaceful nations that were always friendly to each other. One of the examples is Poland and Germany. Many historians point out, correctly in my opinion, that our countries were always friendly to each other and it was practically a one-time occurrence when it was all destroyed. Another example - a member of my family took part in the peacekeeping mission and witnessed how Russians and Americans treated each other. Most of them were best buddies even though most of their leaders were waging their little private wars against their counterparts. Governments wage wars and are real enemies of people on whom they wage those wars. Not the soldiers. The best proof for that is to have a look at people who oppose wars each time they are declared. If a nation's leader says that a decision to declare a war is an answer to his people's will he is just an effing liar to put it bluntly.

Having said all this, some of my friends believe that I should toss on a beret with a red star, a likewise colored scarf and run away to Cuban jungle with AK-47 in my hand. Still, I do not agree with Josie's views on police and other likewise organizations. People who say police or city guards are a "tool of a system" must be anarchic simpletons. These people DO help us and DO keep us safe. If they hadn't, many contemporary anarchists would already lie down in blood puddles having been assaulted by neo-nazis or other guys of that sort. I won't even mention the hard work they are doing, patrolling highways, protecting our children, keeping pedophiles or drug dealers contained. Wonder what would happen if we just disbanded these organizations?

Anarchy is a pretty good idea if you have a simplistic view of it. The world is a very complicated place however and it takes more to really see how it should be working. It is not enough to just draw "A" letter, do away with governments and their tools and jump merrily through the meadow, chasing butterflies...
Title: Re: The End of Oppression
Post by: AP on June 04, 2014, 01:07:59 PM
What does being young have to do with a supposed far-fetched analysis? I see more and more young people starting to ask such questions about these matters. I would rather listen to a younger person with an alternate way of thinking then and older supposedly wiser person who lives by the status quo thinking that institutions of violence and coercion are somehow a good thing. Not to say our elders are foolish but even young minds are not always so naive. Josie has spoke in public plenty of times and it is not just her own system of values. She speaks of a universal system of values which I can post a plethora of links to. Tattoos are the least of my concerns. Her thrifty mimic, wording and carefully planned communication never won me over. I came to this conclusion a long time ago with thoughtful and very careful analysis. I used to be a Statist and thought a little violence of OK, not any more.

I do not think anyone who is follows Voluntarism AKA Anarchist should ever have a simplistic view of it. I do not think Josie has that simple view. To do away with governments and their tools will take a long time and changing peoples hearts and minds will be hard, some may never see the alternative, but to depend on a system of violence is very dangerous. It is just we are brainwashed to what we are so used to living with.

Wonder what would happen if we just disbanded these organizations? Well, we would have privatized organizations not based on violence and thuggery. If we had a market-based form of security and safety, that would be far more effective and reliable. There are plenty of alternative thoughts of what can replace such violent systems. No one claims to have all of the answers but achieving a stateless society is never a simplistic view of things. I would rather live in cooperative peaceful interaction rather then a wage-slave to an authority dictating my life.

There is plenty of material to look into for this as it can get complicated. Murray Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Stefan Molyneux, Walter Block, David D. Friedman, Leo Tolstoy, Adam Kokesh, Jeffrey Tucker, Larken Rose, Thomas Woods (Possibly) even J.R.R. Tolkein was an Anarchist. There is a load of You Tube videos of various discussions and ideas that is talked about as to how we can go about a stateless society. The more people are open to such things, it becomes less of a fantasy and with many minds working on solutions the more achievable such a system can happen. People need to stop relying on the current system which is not working out well at all. Has it ever worked to begin with?

Title: Re: The End of Oppression
Post by: AP on June 04, 2014, 01:34:55 PM
Also believe it or not, we practice anarchy everyday in our lives. Many of our daily decisions involve voluntary thought and action processes like going to the market for example or taking a long road trip.

Also here is a great video on the subject as well.
Title: Re: The End of Oppression
Post by: PabloMack on June 06, 2014, 10:05:41 AM
This will spell the end of oppression on Earth:
Title: Re: The End of Oppression
Post by: AP on June 06, 2014, 12:57:14 PM
If you want to make a joke (if that is the intent) using that type of subject matter over an event that may happen eons from now, that is your choice but in all seriousness we can either go about our daily lives and delude ourselves in the status quo or at least try to have some more freedom in this world. It is the people that do not care that will suffer and get left behind. There is nothing amusing about that. Maybe then we can have more laughter in this world as well.
Title: Re: The End of Oppression
Post by: PabloMack on June 06, 2014, 02:36:08 PM
No joke. I think it is literally true. "We have seen the enemy and he is us." I think oppression is a part of life. Animals oppress plants. Carnivores oppress herbivores. People oppress all other species. Powerful business people oppress workers to make themselves wealthier. The workers oppress the poor because they don't want them in their backyards. The government oppresses the tax payer to try and make up for the oppression of the poor. We are all oppressed by each other. It is called human overpopulation, limited resources and the laws of nature which the over-socialized have lost the ability to understand and think "some one" is to blame for every problem. It will never end until Homo sapiens becomes extinct. Instead of waving idealistic banners we should be making compromises and negotiating agreements. Even then both sides will walk away claiming they were oppressed. It is a part of life and it isn't very funny. The key to happiness is a thing called "contentment" which too few people have. It is nothing more than a decision we make. None of us deserve all the good things we have and enjoy.

But, by all means, let's get rid of the tyrants!