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Image Sharing / Re: Forest drive
Last post by masonspappy - January 18, 2025, 11:06:48 PM
Nicely done!!
Image Sharing / Re: Roman investigators find n...
Last post by masonspappy - January 18, 2025, 10:57:18 PM
I'm trying to imagine what those balls on the ground are... :o
Tools, Utilities / Re: Script tg_splatter_craters...
Last post by Matt - January 18, 2025, 10:32:13 PM
For Mac users the principles are mostly the same, except you might already have Python installed. But you will have to install terragen-rpc in the terminal:

python -m pip install terragen-rpc
Tools, Utilities / Re: Script tg_splatter_craters...
Last post by Matt - January 18, 2025, 10:29:51 PM
Hi Rich. There is a bit of setup required, but it's not as difficult as it sounds, and you should only have to do this once. Then any other RPC scripts that Kevin or other people post should just run without any hassle.

I'll go over the steps in a moment. But just to give you a high level overview of how you use Kevin's crater script, you can think of it as a sidecar program that talks to Terragen while they are both running. It's a standalone program, but it works a bit like a Terragen plugin. All you do is double click on the .py or .pyw file in your downloads folder, or wherever you put it on your hard drive, and it should open up the scatter craters UI. You open it from a normal Windows Explorer window; do NOT try to open it in Terragen because it's not a Terragen file.

You will need two things installed: 1) Python, and 2) an extra module for Python that allows Kevin's scripts to communicate with Terragen. That's the Terragen RPC module.

1) It sounds like you don't have Python installed, but other people reading this might have it installed already. To test that, download the .py file from Kevin's Github page and double click on the .py file in your downloads folder, or wherever it is on your hard drive (in Windows Explorer; do NOT try to open it in Terragen), and see what happens.

If you get an error about "terragen_rpc" then we know that Python is already installed and we just need to get terragen_rpc.

If you don't see anything at all, go into a Windows command prompt (run 'cmd' from Windows Start button or search field) and type in 'python -help' (without quotes), to see if python is installed.

I recommend not using the Microsoft Store version of Python, but if you have it installed already then that's fine.

I recommend downloading Python from here:

When installing Python make sure you enable the option to set up the PATH environment variable in the Python installer.

2) Go into a Windows command prompt again (click on Windows Start button and type 'cmd'). At the command prompt enter this:

python -m pip install terragen-rpc

This will find terragen-rpc on the pip server and it will automatically download it and put it in the right place in your Python installation.

That should be everything for the setup. After everything's set up you won't need to do this again. And some day in the future we might have Python embedded in Terragen, and this'll get easier.

Now whenever Terragen is running you can can double click on the .py file (or .pyw file) in a Windows Explorer window. Make sure only one instance of Terragen is running, otherwise RPC might talk to the wrong one.
Tools, Utilities / Re: Script tg_splatter_craters...
Last post by RichTwo - January 18, 2025, 12:12:08 PM
Hello once again.  Since I had medical issue which limited computer use, I had taken a somewhat sustained absence from both this forum and Terragen itself. This is a welcome addition indeed, except I haven't found a way to get Terragen to communicate with the script.

So far, trying use TG to open / read the script results in my only getting an error message, which I guess says it's unable to do so. The message box is too small to show all of the message.

The only app I have that will show anything, which I assume is the entire script, is the MS File Viewer.  I have not found any practical way to use this, so there must be something else, which I'm not sure I have.

I have read the above instructions several times, and it's still not clear to me how the script will create the TG nodes.

I'd really love to have this capability, since much of my endeavors are of a space / extraterrestrial theme. Thanks in advance for any helpful advice.

Image Sharing / Roman investigators find new c...
Last post by Dune - January 18, 2025, 10:58:17 AM
Tools, Utilities / Re: Script tg_splatter_craters...
Last post by Dune - January 16, 2025, 02:15:05 AM
Thanks Kevin. Good to know it works like that. I will dive into this...
Tools, Utilities / Re: Script tg_splatter_craters...
Last post by Kevin Kipper - January 15, 2025, 01:33:01 PM
For most of the scripts I'm posting, you need Terragen to be open.  That's what I refer to as the "active" Terragen project.  When you run a script that utilizes the RPC feature, the script is communicating with that open Terragen project.

In this script you're adding Crater shaders to the active project.  You can always select all the Crater shaders and save them as a clip file for use in other Terragen projects.

Image Sharing / Re: Forest drive
Last post by digitalguru - January 15, 2025, 04:55:59 AM
It's meant to be fairly low key, but I'll need to get some more contrast in the final. To some extent it's driven by the IBL I'm using for the lighting and far b.g.

Taking my inspiration from these stills in this Dodge Ram promo video:

Tools, Utilities / Re: Script tg_splatter_craters...
Last post by Dune - January 15, 2025, 02:52:29 AM
This is really cool! I have't used RPC yet, so I'm curious how this will work. Actually I was hoping that once you execute the script you end up with a clipfile that can be saved and used with an open TG, not by using the script. Because I imagine you sometimes want to enliven a landscape with something like this, but then you've already opened a project. But I guess you miss certain parameters then.
Your samples are very inviting!