Planetside Software Forums

General => File Sharing => Terrains => Topic started by: Vega59 on December 13, 2011, 01:57:38 PM

Title: Straits of Magellan (Fjords)
Post by: Vega59 on December 13, 2011, 01:57:38 PM
Hello Everyone

Just want to pass on that today I have been working today on Google earth and have a new terrain to share within the forum.

I have created a terrain of the Magellan straits in the Tierra del Fuego. I'm new to T2 and this is my first attempt at creating a custom terrain from Google earth.

Please find attached the file and if anyone would like me to create a terrain please contact me here on the forum.

I have sailed the Magellan straits this year, as I'm a Merchant Navy Officer serving on Gas Carriers sailing round the world. The scenery in this part of the world is incredible.

If anyone has any tips to improve this terrain map, please drop me a message with your suggestions.

Thanks for looking

Title: Re: Straits of Magellan (Fjords)
Post by: Oshyan on December 13, 2011, 04:35:19 PM
I had to remove the JPG attachment because the forum was trying to thumbnail it and the resolution was too high. If you want to re-post, please either enclose the JPG in a ZIP, or lower the resolution to 2000x2000 or less.

- Oshyan