Planetside Software Forums

General => Terragen Discussion => Topic started by: SuperNova on December 29, 2006, 02:10:07 PM

Title: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: SuperNova on December 29, 2006, 02:10:07 PM

I was wondering if you guys have any intention to raise the maximum resolution for the free, non commercial version of TG2?
It would be great if you could make your own wallpapers @ 1280x1024 which is the most common native resolution for TFT displays today.
Since the free version is for non commercial only perhaps you could allow resolutions even higher that that so you can make wallpapers at native resolutions....

Just some thoughts and wishes...

Best Regards!
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: absolutehavok on December 29, 2006, 07:40:05 PM
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: vissroid on December 29, 2006, 07:59:43 PM
actualy that would have been pretty nice(at least you would get a lil more out of the render too) but other than that Im happy with the limitations right now since I plan to buy it soon anyways. lol
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: Njen on December 29, 2006, 08:01:31 PM
Quote from: absolutehavok on December 29, 2006, 07:40:05 PM
Non-commercial but full featured versions of animation software should have moderate pricing.

Quote from: absolutehavok on December 29, 2006, 07:40:05 PM
Terragen 2 is truly a state of the art program, and has blockbuster special effects capabilities. Other applications of this caliber typically have prices in excess of $15,000

Sounds like you just argued for the price of Terragen to stay the same. When compared to high end 3D programs of many thousands of dollars, then a couple of hundred for Terragen2 is extremely moderate.

But of course people would want to argue to get better software for free, it's only natural.

Though let me chime in with saying that just because people are recreational users, doesn't mean they are exempt from paying for software that has no limitations. Recreational users of any hobby must pay for their materials, no? recreational model sculptors must pay for their sculpting materials. Recreational model painters must pay for their models and paints. Recreational spoon collectors must pay for their spoons. Recreational photographers must pay for their cameras and lens. Companies just don't give away their products to recreational users for free purely because they are not professional.

Now enter Terragen. A product that has a version that actually *is* given away for free with a few limitations. It's only natural to release a limitless version for a price. I, myself am a recreational user, and I have payed for the software.

Put it another way. If you pay for a license of Terragen 2 and use it for a year, then that's under a dollar a day for your hobby. Very cheap if you ask me. Some hobbies cost much more than that.

The limitations are put in there to encourage everyone, including recreational users to pay for the full product if they enjoy it. Let's face it, we are not talking about an image viewing software, or a small app to compress your files smaller. This is a full blown environment package, capable of producing photo realistic renders (or will do so in the final version).
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: absolutehavok on December 29, 2006, 09:07:10 PM
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: Njen on December 29, 2006, 09:31:31 PM
Ok, firstly, let's have a look at the current playing field. Similar programs to Terragen 2 (namely Vue) do not cost more than roughly $650. So having an $10,000 version of the software doesn't make sense, as it would be *way* overpricing itself out of the market, and would never sell a single copy.

Secondly, if the maximum resolution in the free version is increased somewhat, there would be nothing stopping commercial companies from using it without paying.

Thirdly, a number of recreational users, many of whom are members of this site, have already purchased the Deep version because they saw the value in paying for the limits being removed. So, Planetside are already generating income from users who would have paid nothing if the limitations had been removed in your proposed free version.

Fourthly, I am pretty sure that the developers have worked in film and have an understanding of software value and cost. In fact, I do believe that the main developer works (or has worked) at DD. Myself, I have been working in film for over 5 years (with games and broadcast another 5+ years) and understand that just because a piece of software is great, doesn't mean companies will pay anything for it.

Fifthly, I understand your desire to want something better for free, it's only natural. Hey, I wish I could tell Autodesk to release a full version of Maya with no limitations, except for a res limit of 2k. Bottom line is you get what you pay for. If you pay nothing, don't look a gift horse in the mouth ;)

The limitations are there to encourage you to buy the full version of the software.
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: FrankThomas on December 29, 2006, 10:38:36 PM
Quote from: njen on December 29, 2006, 09:31:31 PM
The limitations are there to encourage you to buy the full version of the software.

And it's well worth it too (from another recreational user who has no clue about the intricacies of 3D graphics and stuff ;D)
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: swiftstream on December 29, 2006, 11:58:56 PM
I don't expect Planetside to make the free version unrestricted for noncommercial use--I wouldn't. However, I would like to see, in the final pricing scheme, a free upgrade from TG0.9 (i.e., $99) without size restrictions, or with much greater size restrictions (like 4000x3000 or something). Alas, I don't really have another $100 to spend on Terragen this year.

Personally, I would make a free version with limitations similar to the tech preview, perhaps bumping the max resolution up to 1280x960 as it was in 0.9, the "lite" version I described above (perhaps this could be the "creative" edition), and then the deep version at about $500 with the animation and other add-ons at $100 each or whatever. But that's just me, and since I'll be going AWOL for two years in February I won't even be around to see what happens.

In any case, the more I play with TG2 the more I feel like Planetside have outdone themselves. :D
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: absolutehavok on December 30, 2006, 06:07:58 AM
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: SuperNova on December 30, 2006, 08:25:52 AM
This is almost getting out of hand!

I just wondered if they could allow you to make a native resolution wallpaper (1280x1024)! The software is really cheap when it you compare it to other softwares of this "class" no question about that, i just asked.
The licensing of terragen i really good, i can se no problem with it! Just a bit fun that a company could create a movie with terragen and pull in millions of dollars, while the private person who just whats a wallpaper have to pay as much as the company :p
But then again the price is so low that it really doesn't matter!
The price isn't a issue just thought people would use the software more if they could make a native resolution wallpaper (1280x1024). Thereby increasing they skills and perhaps get job offer and then buy the software, Which terragen ultimately gains from.

Of course a company can NOT use a unregistered version in they movies just because the free version supports higher resolutions. The license says that its only for non commercial use.
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: Mistercharles on December 30, 2006, 01:37:08 PM
I am a very casual render artist, and want nothing more than to render a nice wallpaper, or make a skybox for a game, but, thanks to the 800x600 max resolution, I can't do this.

I don't care about the animation capabilities (even though they're really cool), and the current population limitations aren't bad, all I want is the max free resolution to be upped to 1280x960.
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: rcallicotte on December 30, 2006, 02:17:17 PM
Sheesh.  This sounds a lot like bloodsucking to me.  The frikkin free version is FREE.  You're lucky to have that, in my opinion.  I don't work for anyone in this lot (of devoted and exceptional programmers), but I do program.  I don't do it for free.  I won't do it for free.  Quit being so damned disrespectful.

Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: SuperNova on December 30, 2006, 02:38:45 PM
Quote from: calico on December 30, 2006, 02:17:17 PM
Sheesh.  This sounds a lot like bloodsucking to me.  The frikkin free version is FREE.  You're lucky to have that, in my opinion.  I don't work for anyone in this lot (of devoted and exceptional programmers), but I do program.  I don't do it for free.  I won't do it for free.  Quit being so damned disrespectful.

I don't know if its me your referring to but if you do please don't call me disrespectful! I was just asking a question, if the creators have any intention to raise the maximum resolution in the final version (since its higher in TG1).
Again i know its free, and its great! I also know that the price is very low, and i was just asking, i don't demand anything (which from your comments, its sounds like).
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: buchvecny on December 30, 2006, 03:03:16 PM
the limitations are ok. You are supposed to try and learn TG2 and then buy full version, not to make wallpapers with it. Only thing i would change are the populations, because it limits the possibilities.
Title: Re: Maximum resolution in the free version...
Post by: rcallicotte on December 30, 2006, 03:15:29 PM
I don't know if its me your referring to but if you do please don't call me disrespectful! I was just asking a question, if the creators have any intention to raise the maximum resolution in the final version (since its higher in TG1).
Again i know its free, and its great! I also know that the price is very low, and i was just asking, i don't demand anything (which from your comments, its sounds like).

Nope.  Just a general statement (bad idea, I guess), because I program and know that nothing like this is truly free.  The is idea that what Planetside has been promoting isn't the standard, but it's FANTASTIC.  The world of software applications has gotten way out of hand on pricing and I think Planetside stands among the companies with good business sense and gracious service.  Two brilliant combinations. 

It never hurts to ask.