I thought about this as a fast basic image.
After a post on Facebook from someone i tried adding something like a small asteroid
or so from were he jumps but couldn't get the light and position as i like.
So it will end still as a basic image.
I searched the web for something similar. I was sure that there are some, but could not find any images.
If there are i would like to know guys. I won't use these if they look kinda close.
But i am just not sure which i should use...
Which one do you like more? And a better name would be good too probably.
A small change on V01.
These all have a "great" sense of vertigo!
This is really cool, and honestly a really unique idea. Love this. Really like v05
So freakin' cool! I like Space_bungee_jumping_V01_01_ 02_2020_Kadri_Ozel.jpg and perhaps especially Space_bungee_jumping_V05_01_ 02_2020_Kadri_Ozel.jpg
- Oshyan
Agree w/Oshyan and I got vertigo just viewing LOL
Thanks all.
This is a more clearer, less postworked final version.
Worked from a 4K render this time just to be sure.
Great idea. I like v5 and the last one best.
Cool idea! And I like last one and V5 the best too :)