Planetside Software Forums

General => Image Sharing => Topic started by: pclavett on December 24, 2022, 01:24:13 PM

Title: Glacier Lake
Post by: pclavett on December 24, 2022, 01:24:13 PM
Hi guys ! Happy Holidays to you all ! Here is a work started in Gaea and transported to Terragen for dressing up ! Rendered with the Path Traced and the first render again had dark shadows but this one was done with a giant quarter dome behind the camera giving better defined shadowy areas and again, thanks to Hannes for teaching me this trick ! Have a great day all ! Paul
Title: Re: Glacier Lake
Post by: Hannes on December 24, 2022, 01:56:05 PM
Cool!!! The image looks very naturalistic. I think, the trick worked! ;) 
Maybe the snow is a little too plaster like? (Is this understandable?)
Title: Re: Glacier Lake
Post by: Dune on December 25, 2022, 02:29:43 AM
Great scene! Lighting is perfect, greenery is really nice, and the water is looking very much like a glacier lake (as far as I know). I don't know if there would be more algae (deeper green areas) in such areas.
I agree with Hannes about the snow, it doesn't look natural enough, a bit like stucco on a wall. Probably because of the evenly spread small grit, which looks like fake stones or so. I think it should be smoother, with some gentle blownup perlin or ridges perhaps, or preferably some slided down cracky areas, but that's harder to accomplish.
Title: Re: Glacier Lake
Post by: pclavett on December 25, 2022, 04:45:31 AM
The snow was directly from Gaea.....part of the terrain and agree it looks a bit like someone smeared an ice cream cone on the peaks ! I will have to reassess my method in Gaea..... it does offer some distribution advantages but the borders are a bit too defined and the surface not so realistic. Think I might use it mostly to get distribution maps and use Terragen to generate the snow. I have another cooking with an additional snow layer on top of the one done in Gaea and it does look a bit least in test renders. Thanks for the comments as always ! Appreciated and have a Happy Christmas guys ! Paul
Title: Re: Glacier Lake
Post by: masonspappy on February 21, 2023, 04:51:45 AM
It's a good image. Very calming. Agree about the snow and would love to see what it looks like with Terragen snow.