Planetside Software Forums

General => Image Sharing => Topic started by: Stormlord on November 01, 2024, 05:30:09 AM

Title: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Stormlord on November 01, 2024, 05:30:09 AM
Actually, I intend to develop my first own Cumulonimbus cloud render.
I never invested too much time into clouds, but here's the reason to start with :-)

But before I can start to build up my own dramatic cloud render, I first have to start somewhere. So I simply began to read here in the file sharing section to look for good cloud examples to learn from.
Sure, I have my own very nice setups, but they're to render more common skies. I never did a really dramatic and impressive Cumulonimbus cloud scene in Terragen.
So in the last weeks, I dived into the interesting world of clouds to make myself more familiar with all available cloud types and all their settings.
So this thread will be about my way to dive more into the world of clouds to finally create my first Cumulonimbus sky.
One of the first files, I examined, is a famous from Luc Bianco.,5490.msg56677.html#msg56677
(You will find his original .tgd at the bottom for download.)

His most important settings can be seen in the screenshot.

02 - Luc Bianco Clouds v2 1.jpg
Screenshot of Luc Biancos Basis Cloud v2 Setup

I never worked with Cloud Layer 2 in Terragen, but after some tweaking and experimenting, I ended up with some nice Cumulus Cloud renderings.

03 - Luc Bianco Style Clouds (TG Interface) 1.jpg
Screenshot of my Luc Bianco Style Clouds Setup

03 - Luc Bianco Style Clouds (TG Interface) 2.jpg
Luc Bianco Style Clouds in the Viewport

04 - Luc Bianco Style Clouds (Weitwinkel).jpg
Luc Bianco Style Clouds 2024 by Dirk Kipper

A first wild perspective give's you a glimpse, what you can create using Terragens Cloud Layer v2.
Here comes an aircraft styled view down to the south pacific sea from more than 30,000 feet. It's just wow!

05 - Cumulus Trench.jpg
Cumulus Trench 2024 by Dirk Kipper

Not bad at all, but there's more to come...
In my next example, I combined two Cloud Layer v2 to add some mist on a lake.

06 - Plains and Mountains 2024.jpg
Plains and Mountains 2024 by Dirk Kipper

07 - Cloud Layer v2.jpg
Plains and Mountains with an added subtle first Cloud Layer v2

08 - Cloud Layer v2.jpg
Plains and Mountains with a second denser Cloud Layer v2 to add more fog

09 - Plains and Mountains 2024.jpg
Plains and Mountains 2024 with some morning fog

This is it for the moment, but in the next post, I will continue with this tread.
More information and renderings regarding clouds will be added!
After experimenting with Terragens Cloud Layer v2, the Cloud Layer v3 is next...


Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Dune on November 01, 2024, 05:34:09 AM
Cool breakdown!
Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Stormlord on November 03, 2024, 07:10:13 AM
To try out all possibilities with the Cloud Layer v3 parameters, I used a neutral scene and tried to find an interesting cloud shape first.
This is what I got as a starter...

10 - Cloud Layer v3 Example 1.jpg
Cloud Layer v3 1.0 starter scene out of the box (no parameters set)

11 - Cloud Layer v3 Example 2.jpg
The same Cloud Layer v3 2.0 with smoother edges and much better shadowing

To receive such pleasant results, it is necessary to use the Layer Manager and combine the most important cloud layers in Photoshop for a proper fine-tuning.
There are three: ,,tgCloudDirect", ,,tgCloudInDirect" and ,,tgCloudAlpha". All three single layers, combined in the right way, will produce great results like this.

12 - Cloud Layer v3 Example 2 (Back and White).jpg
Cloud Layer v3 2.0 with optimized parameters, rendered against a black background

13 - Cloud Layer v3 Example 2 (Back and White) - Zoom.jpg
Cloud Layer v3 2.0 with optimized parameters in original resolution

For all those of you, who want to get some nice cloud layer 2.0 and 3.0 source files (for further examination), I can recommend to search for the following .tgd scenes and .tgc clips.
You find them in the file section at the Planetside forum. This helps a lot!

Cloud Layer 2.0
WarpCloudFormExamples.tgd (by WAS)
Cloud Test 5.tgd (by Blonderator)
helpmetobetterthis.tgc (by Ariel DK)
Cloud Layer 3.0
Easy Cloud Peaks by WASasquatch.tgc (by WAS)
AnvilCloudv3.tgd_02.tgd (by eapilot)
Believe me, I examined many files, but these are the ones you really have to look for, beside Luc's famous Cloud Layer 2 file (luc_clouds_v2.tgd by Luc) which I already mentioned it in the beginning.
There are other useful .tgd's out there, but the listed ones are the most important files and clips regarding Cloud Layer 2 and 3.

This is how about building up your own neutral test environment...

After finding the most convincing settings for the intended outcome and for a pleasant viewing result, I designed another neutral scene to start generating simple, but good-looking cloud banks.
First some with Cloud Layer v3 clouds, then some with Easy clouds and finally all brought together to shape a cumulonimbus supercell.
Yes, you can create a Cumulonimbus Cloud with only one easy cloud, but combining several cloud layers give you more control and will bring in more details.

To make comparisons very easy, I always tend to use the given standard lightning situation in Terragen.
I don't like to change the light in the beginning. The same is valid for the atmosphere.
The standard atmosphere is quite simple, but useful in the beginning.
But my way here is to use one with a higher contrast.

Also to get a prominent sky view, I mostly tilt the camera 12.5° downwards and use a flat ground.
To make it clean and technical, I use an ambient occlusion shader (a simple white shader) for the ground.
This way, you pay much more attention to tiny and small details in the sky (while fiddling around with the parameters).
But to test my file in a more realistic and natural environment, I use a simple ground shader.
Rock, sand or grass to add some details, but not too much, to keep on focussing the sky!

After rendering I save the current scene and the rendered image as ZULU 1.
Then I make my adjustment and save it again as ZULU 2.
If you use ALPHA as name, your file will be in the beginning of your directory file list, while ZULU will list it at the end.
When you display your image in the explorer, you can use your arrow tab to switch quickly between both images and see clearly the difference between picture ZULU A and ZULU B.

And now let's start testing...
After many attempts, I found quite nice settings for a cumulus cloud bank.

In this first render I present to you the final render and as a second, a screenshot with the most important settings.
These are yellow marked. This will give you a better start if you will create your own.

13 - Cumulus Clouds (Cloud Layer v3).jpg
Cumulus clouds (Cloud layer v3) by Dirk Kipper

14 - Cumulus Clouds (Cloud Layer v3) - Settings.jpg
Cumulus clouds (Cloud layer v3) by Dirk Kipper

The second rendering is one with nearly the same settings.
The results looking good, clouds are now are a little bit softer and have decreased details.
Finally, the third render was my attempt to render an identical cloud bank with an Easy cloud layer.

15 - Cumulus Clouds (Cloud Layer v3).jpg
Cumulus clouds (Cloud layer v3) by Dirk Kipper

16 - Cumulus Clouds (Easy Cloud).jpg
Cumulus clouds (Easy clouds) by Dirk Kipper

The difference between both types (Cloud layer v3 and Easy cloud) is, that you can plug in a density shader into the Cloud layer v3 density shader slot.
You don't have this option with Easy clouds. Nevertheless, you can achieve very realistic and pleasant looking results.

Equipped with some good starter scenes and a little bit more experience, I played with an Easy cloud layer in combination with two Cloud layers v2.
I rendered an out of the aircraft window view. The sea of clouds was then retouched into a real photo.

17 - Morning Glory.jpg
Photoshopping ,,Morning Glory"

18 - Morning Glory.jpg
Morning Glory 2024 by Dirk Kipper

Next is to build a cumulonimbus cloud tower... so stay tuned!

Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: gao_jian11 on November 05, 2024, 05:57:32 AM
Great exploration, please continue.
Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Stormlord on November 06, 2024, 05:57:19 AM
THX Dune !

Thank you, gao_jian11 !
There's more to come, but it will take some time...

At the moment, I'm fine-tuning some parameters for a Cumulonimbus supercell.
I rendered a few versions and views, but my latest looks really gorgeous so far!

Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Stormlord on November 07, 2024, 10:40:11 AM
The next step is to build a nice cumulonimbus cloud tower.
Kadri has shown an elegant basic method to get three layers with only one cloud layer.
Basically, he uses three surface layers with Altitude constraints stacked in the Density shader slot.

19 - One Cloud Three Layer Example by Kadri.jpg
One Cloud Three Layer Example by Kadri

In the cloud library, you can find his original example.
,,One cloud 3 layers basic example_Kadri.tgd"

Using this method, I designed a nice atomic cloud just for fun, which can be seen in the next image.
I also designed a first cumulonimbus in a neutral scene. Both were designed with a single Cloud layer v2 after the ,,One Cloud Three Layer" method from Kadri.

20 - One Cloud Three Layer Example by Kadri - Atomic cloud.jpg
Atomic cloud by Dirk Kipper
(One Cloud Three Layer method with Cloud Layer v2)

21 - Cumulonimbus.jpg
First cumulonimbus cloud test by Dirk Kipper
(One Cloud Three Layer method with Cloud Layer v2)

22 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell by Dirk Kipper
(Three seperate Cloud Layer v3 and one Easy cloud on top)

23 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell rendered in a neutral environment by Dirk Kipper

24 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell rendered against a black background by Dirk Kipper

Adjusting some parameters brings in a much more dramatic shape on top.
So the next Cumulonimbus cloud tower looks very cool and fits my high expectations!

25 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell by Dirk Kipper
Four Cloud layers v3 stacked up step by step (Base, center column, anvil and top)

26 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell by Dirk Kipper
(Terragen Screenshot)

27 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell by Dirk Kipper

28 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell ,,Point of View" renderings by Dirk Kipper

29 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell rendered against a black background by Dirk Kipper
The rendering against a neutral black background shows all the details in splendor.
This baby looks really nasty! It will look awesome in high altitude shots.

30 - Cumulonimbus Supercell 2024.jpg
Cumulonimbus Supercell 2024 by Dirk Kipper
(High altitude view)

What a view!
Truly awesome !!!

Next is to build finally my "African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render" !!!
Therefore, stay tuned!

Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Dune on November 08, 2024, 02:15:13 AM
Quotea nice atomic cloud just for fun
Sounds contradictory, but looks good, Dirk!
Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: Stormlord on November 12, 2024, 04:49:56 PM
Please allow me to present you here the basic setup for this really nasty shaped Cumulonimbus supercell.
You can see four Cloud layers v3, which are stacked up. In the process, each layer has been carefully adjusted until I've found the right parameters.
If you intend to design your own cumulonimbus cloud tower following this design, I would recommend doing it carefully step by step.
Start with a base and try to find good parameters for this single Cloud Layer.
Then go on with the second to build up your Cumulonimbus cloud tower.
31 - Cumulonimbus supercell.jpg
Cumulonimbus supercell by Dirk Kipper
Shader Tree Design
If you have designed a good-looking Cumulonimbus supercell, you are ready to mix it into your scene.
And that's exactly what I am going to do in the next step.

Now I have two gorgeous Cumulonimbus cloud towers to start with. Depending on the Viewpoint, each one has its own advantages.
For shots from the ground I can use supercell deign one, for more high altitude renderings I would prefer my second, the nasty supercell.
But that's optional. With the rich experience gained, I am ready to design very quickly other good-looking supercells in the future.
But as I said in the beginning, you have to start somewhere...

Getting ready for a cumulonimbus scene, I imported my clouds into a simple standard scene to get a first impression of the later outcome.
It looks really amazing!

In an environment with a flat plane, this should be even better!
So an African savanna came to my mind and I platted as a second step my clouds in a new scene.

32 - Cumulonimbus 2024 by Dirk Kipper.jpg
Cumulonimbus 2024 by Dirk Kipper

33 - African Supercell 2024 by Dirk Kipper (Viewport).jpg
African Supercell 2024 by Dirk Kipper
(Terragen Viewport)

34 - African Supercell 2024 by Dirk Kipper.jpg
African Supercell 2024 by Dirk Kipper

Now, this is a very good starter scene for a realistic looking cumulonimbus cloud.
Maybe in the next future I bring in some more rolling clouds in front of the cloud tower and a rhino or zebra to spice up the scene a little?
For now, I have reached my goal to create a convincing cloud supercell and will pause a little from this project.

For everyone who is interested and would like to get my tread as PDF, I have one in stock for you!

Title: Re: African Cumulonimbus Supercell Render
Post by: gao_jian11 on November 12, 2024, 09:53:53 PM
A very meaningful exploration. I will study it carefully.