I made this terrain about 10 years ago...I saved it many times so the file says 2007 but I know its older. I used this on a few images and even collaborations with other artists. The JPG image is done in TG .9 with a lot of post work. I "binged" space art and I found two of my older images that were posted by others to screen saver sites (this image was one of them) the other was titled "Flare"....no mention of my name or the software used...at first I was surprised and happy....then I thought, WHY did they repost my image without my permission and I became a little pissed . After some time I realized I don't care....no one is getting rich or making money....maybe someone downloaded it as a screen saver or just saved them as cool files....I posted them and am glad someone appreciated the work enough to share with others. I just wish credit would be given......for the artist and the software used. We all need to be aware of others reposting our work...lets keep informed!!!
Use the terrain file as you want...happy rendering!