To The Wind

Started by PorcupineFloyd, May 21, 2009, 04:19:32 PM

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I'm still doodling with the atmosphere. This time cumulus + altocumulus + low cumulus for dust.

Turned out pretty well if you forgive the foreground which I had to blur because it was ugly :D

Photomatix for tone mapping + Photoshop for colour correction.

Render details:
3600 x 2400; Q: 0.715; AA:7 NC; GI: 1/3/8 SSP:on
Atmosphere: 64 samples
Altocumulus: 38 samples
Cumulus: 300 samples
Dust: 13 samples

Render time: ~17H


Wow, neat stuff.  Love the variety in the clouds, and clarity.  Very cool.


The wide lens and tone mapping give it a very heavy feel, I like that!


Wow.  Fantastic clouds and excellent lighting.  If you put together an eery terrain, this would be supergroovy.  Dude.   ;D
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Quote from: calico on May 21, 2009, 07:34:40 PM
Wow.  Fantastic clouds and excellent lighting.  If you put together an eery terrain, this would be supergroovy.  Dude.   ;D

Like these metallic bubbles? ;)
What you wish to kindle in others must burn within yourself. - Augustine


Hm, metallic bubbles would be neat on this picture. I'd have to change the atmosphere and cloud colour though :-)

I'll try to make convincing sand someday, or a soil perhaps.

Too bad that rendering water takes so long and requires higher quality settings to get rid of visible triangles underwater as I'd make a long, shallow shore with this render.


Very interesting this research on the clouds!


super clouds...any tips/ hints??


Yes, the clouds are very interresting !



I agree with inkydigit - tutorials...or something, please.   ;D
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Yes, tutorial would be nice. I'll try to write something during this weekend :-)


Now that you've said it, I really would like to see it with a nice shoreline! :P
What you wish to kindle in others must burn within yourself. - Augustine



Some clouds have really great shapes!
Very good work!