Chan export issues

Started by Bobdidit, November 02, 2011, 11:44:01 PM

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I tried to post this in the 'A non-commercial solution for creating chan files for Terragen.' but it wouldnt let me - so my apologies if creating a new threat annoys.
Firstly thanks so much Moose for creating the tool and taking time to make the video -- top stuff.
Now if I may! I'm having problems with the EXPORT_chan_file - it only saves one set of keyframe.
When I went through the tutorail it all exported fine, now I'm trying to get it to work on my project it is just failing! (I've redone the tutorail to see if there is any school boy errors - cant find any).

I have also created a new scene and created a new camera - its the same result.

Could some one kindly give us a hand. I dont know what infomation to give appart from I'm using the tool downloaded from the link given and Houdini Master 9.1.417.  I've uploaded the file if some kind soul would like to have a look at it.

Thanks again for the video/ tool and thanks in advance to anyone willing to help! I'm off to sleep on works couch!


I haven't used this.  Maybe Moose will see your post, though I haven't seen Moose lately on these forums.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?