Error in U.I.

Started by mogn, March 26, 2012, 07:23:25 AM

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I have build an internal network for solving 3 equations with 3 unknowns.
Unfortunatly I build the network in the internal network of a NOTE.
The result (the last node of the network) is not accessible from the outside?


Hi mogn,

Can you please send me a project file with your setup in it? You can email it to me at:




The project as such don't exist any longer: I have move the internal network from the "Note" to the outside group.

But the structure was:  A group with a "dot product" as a result (both inputs calculated inside and parameters transferred via "null shaders")
                               The inside contained a group (equationsolver), with the above network
                                imbedded in a "Note"


Hi mogn,

I tried putting some nodes inside a note and I was able to connect them to other node inputs either by context clicking on an input in the network view or by using the Assign Shader buttons in param views.

I'm afraid I don't really understand what you're doing. If you're able to create a simple file which recreates the problem and send it to me that would be a big help.




It seems that I can't replicate the error.
Probable "barking barking up the wrong tree"
so I lock this topic.