Really, the basic idea of what you want will go pretty smooth for you. What will get really tricky is adding debris in proper orbits of both the moons and the main planet. Its a lot more complex than I thought it would be. There are several threads on it. Come back when you get your basic plants and stuff done and I will try to track those threads down if you haven't already found them.
You probably know this or would have figured it out right away. But I will say it just to save you (or someone else) a few more moments.
Set up your scene. Make your main planet, and put TG planet objects as moons in the main planets orbit.
Place everything where you want it, while imagining the detail you want to add, but don't try to add any detail.
Now as a test import the object I posted. Copy the location of one of your TG moons to the object. Now scale it up until it is about the size of the TG moon (which you already scaled to your liking), and rotate it as you like.
Its a very fast way to comp your scene. And as you do it you can think about all your ideas in that scene context... Get basic composition frame aspect light etc.
The object I posted needs a lot of work! But if you post an image of one of the moons you want to make, I can make the basic shapes for you very fast in maya... More or fewer parts basic shapes. Then you can just distort it in your modeler and map it. Then import and apply a planet map and displace.
Curious how you will do the moon core or if it will even be visible.