TG4 Navigation window title is wrong

Started by Shield Wulf, September 09, 2016, 09:55:17 AM

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Shield Wulf

Hi All,

You already most likely know this but the navigation window (View ---> Navigation window) still says TG3 Navigation instead of TG4 Navigation. Hope this was just an over site and you already know about it.

Randy Nash
Maryland - USA
To resist the influence of others, knowledge of oneself is of utmost importance.

You are he who directs the sun ship of millions of years.......


Thanks for the report. Looks like a small oversight. We'll take care of it. :)

- Oshyan

Shield Wulf

Hi Oshyan,

Yes knew it was a minor thing but something that should be corrected though.

Randy Nash
To resist the influence of others, knowledge of oneself is of utmost importance.

You are he who directs the sun ship of millions of years.......