I'll give you credit right now! I may one of the nearly extinct here, Ryan but I like your thinking. I had a peek at the ABD file and I must say there is good potential for it, especially when trying to create innovative terrains. It won't do much for the ones who use TG2 merely as a platform for object placement, though. And I won't climb onto my soapbox about that.
I haven't tried it with rougher displacements yet, but that's on my to-do list. I hope you'll let me know if that's not such a good idea.
I also look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. I know you've been away from TG2 for awhile and it's good to see you back at it. Me - I wouldn't know the first thing on how to make the function nodes work from scratch the way you've done, so you have my appreciation, if no one else's.