Quoteto compare/tune your painted maps.
Yes this is the reason I am asking!

I hate going back and forth. Its a big pain in the ass. But I have pretty much done what you said.
So I know that the tallest part of my terrain is 100 meters. My problem is that I also have very fine transitions to make. And I am doing that (trying to do that) at real scale. So transitions from 0 (for example) to say 1-2 meters.
But I am so into the painting now I am trying to control that transition very finely. So between 0 and 1/2 meter there is a lot of (potential grey scale) not just a whole % but all of the fractions. And if in my OP example, a % is a meter, then I know where 5 feet is, 60 feet, 56.3 meters, so on. Since I am painting from some arial and ground photos, knowing for sure would really help me. I can paint slopes and levels pretty correctly then. And only have to check it in TG a few times rather than constantly. see?
Hmmm. I think I answered my own question...
If you import the image into TG, and set up the macro displacement, so black and white being 0 an 100%, and you set the displacement amplitude, then what ever the displacement amplitude is, that is the 100%, and the grey scale is a percentage of whatever that displacement amplitude is.
So in my case a % must = 1meter. And IF I used a different displacement value, than a % would = some other number.
Doesn't that sound right?
I think I see how people paint their own height maps now, I mean the super detailed ones that look like sat data.