Thanks, always nice to receive kind feedback from my friends on the Forum! I'm entered (after a little drama

). This was the longest single image render since my Amiga days, 101 hours! Well, I'm not much on Art Competitions, but this was indeed a fun project. My Grandfather was a fine photographer in the mold of Ansel Adams, he even had a wooden shooting platform on his vintage 'woody' station wagon; Rollei's, Hasselblads, et al. One of his 'rules' was that whenever you had a 'good' shot, always look directly behind you and you might just find a 'great' shot. I still school myself to do just that with a camera: this was the first time I had done that in a landscape render. So all in all a fun time working with a 360 degree image. Here's another 'standard' view after the fact.