Quote from: Oshyan on October 14, 2016, 03:19:20 PM
Yes, certainly you can do that. NASA makes a "night Earth" image available that you could use to control luminosity:
I would suggest using Blue Marble data (link above) for height (displacement/bump map), color, and even cloud map, along with the night cities map for luminosity. Map them all in Spherical mode through Image Map Shaders and you should get a good result quickly and fairly easily.
- Oshyan
Thank you for reply , well I was thinking about using texture for city lights (I just don't know how terragen works) I'm a newbie in terragen , so might be some silly questions )
you said cloud layer , well the most of all in terragen I like cloud quality, its just amazing how light interacts with clouds
well I don't want to use any maps for clouds , I could do that internaly inside maya .
well , I'm expecting this kind of workflow to work: find a good texture maps maybe from NASA , apply a texture on sphere , then cover planet body with terragen clouds (not map opacity, but real terragen clouds) maybe make some ambient light on them + ozone
and export all that separately , layer by layer . is that kind of workflow real with terragen ?
and I hope to render each frame 15 -20 minutes on my 5820k 4.5ghz
I think you have a lot of experience to average a time for that 1920x1080 frame
what do you think about timing ?
Best Regards !