Hey Kadri, yes, it's all rendered in Terragen. Catmull Rom filter, path traced, 6.5 mp/6 AA. The Horses are from DAZ (Horse 2). There are three different surface texture sets; Bay, Gray, Black. I just used the diffuse maps. I was going to create some additional map types (the DAZ horse only comes with two maps - unless you buy the 'iray' pack), but the results seemed okay, so I left them as is. The image 'benefits' from all of the 'dust' and lit haze, so the horses get some 'back-lighting' and 'glow'. This is my first try at these horses, and I'm fairly pleased with the results. DAZ Studio is a clunky beast (but it is free), and the Horse 2 has a nice rig set-up (even though the constraints are too restricted imo). I'll put up a break-down of the image on Artstation in a couple of days. Thanks for your kind words!