Flowers and trees - Other sources

Started by helentr, January 02, 2007, 01:20:14 PM

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Hello and a happy new year,

I have not seen it mentioned here, so maybe some don't know it yet. There is a source of plants (with the ability to make your own) in a free program called Plant Studio
It is a little dated and the plants don't have a high polygon count, but they look great in populations. You can also save them in various stages of the plant's development (botanologically correct)
The program is free (registration name and code are given in the order page) and the included plants, plus those in the exchange page are in the public domain.
It exports to OBJ, which when inserted into Terragen promptly crashes and closes Terragen. So, I imported the object into Wings3d and reexported it to OBJ without changing anything. This file did not crash Terragen, but to be on the safe side, I saved as a TGO. The objects are huge, so you need to scale them way down. The one I tried, started to look acceptable at 0.05 scale.
Also, for trees, there is the GPL Arbaro It exports to OBJ too and the objects don't crash in Terragen, but you will have to add textures in a 3d program first, like Wings3d. From within Terragen, AFAIK you can only give them a single color, although once textured, you can add images for colors and displacement.



This is a fantastic resource!
Thanks for sharing :)


So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?



You can add procedural and image-based textures to objects in TG2. You just can't do UV mapping to place your textures in specific locations on a model. That's the tricky bit. If your object would look good with a purely procedural or simply wrapped/projected (spherical, etc.) texture (a rock for example), then you can texture it entirely in TG2. Otherwise you'll want to use another app.

- Oshyan


Wow! That Arbaro program is *very* cool. I have only had a chance to play around with the settings inside the program and am yet to export it to add textures, but it seems very versatile.

Thanks :)


hi helen!

thanks for the great links, i'm beginning to use those plantstudio objects. had to import them with blender and export them as .obj again, but works really good. when you go to the OBJ Options tab of your plant, you should check 'source in cm', then you don't need to scale them down ;)

with a little texturing you get quite pleasing results, think i'll give this arbaro a try

thanks again
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