When is the next update?

Started by gregsandor, October 06, 2008, 12:33:27 AM

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When is TG2 going to be finished?


We are aiming for the beta very soon. But as you know we are simply not giving any release dates anymore. It doesn't seem to do anyone any good (judging from history). I know that sucks, but many of the greatest software products of recent memory also had "no release date" (and were delayed). There is always the other side of that coin, "vapourware", but I think you can trust that we're at least not going that route given the many public releases we have made and continue to make.

- Oshyan


Any hints to what might be in the next update ?  ;)
Hmmm... wonder what this button does....


I cant think of anything that really needs to be fixed anymore.  A couple of inconsistencies with work flow (obj/tgo import works differently to lwo import for example) but little else of real note. I think we may be quite close, there's certainly nothing new coming in, were at feature lock already.
Won't be long now, chin up, just around the next bend etc ...

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


We must be using different software.

Quote from: cyphyr on October 09, 2008, 01:36:25 PM
I cant think of anything that really needs to be fixed anymore. 
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Dose any one besides my self notice on occasion that when you try certain node set ups TG2 will simply crash to desktop? I am not sure weather this is a bug or by design but it is annoying!

Regards to you.



I have, but it's usually because I've deleted something in the middle of a chain of nodes, which screws the chain up. But that is something I sort of expect with something very open ended like TG2.

Save regularly and often.


Yes and if you inadvertantly cause a loop TG2 will crash as well. But there are some random occasions where it'll crash. For example, adding a cloud layer, then deleting it and adding another, deleting it and adding another. Do that a couple of times and TG2 will probably crash.
Figured out how to do clicky signatures


I've had crashes by simply deleting a population of ojbects.  Just...boom. 

'snot perdy.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


It would be nice if the devs could say a few more words about upcoming release - I mean, some new features (if any), optimizations, etc., so we can start salivating :D

I'd personally focus on some more optimizations, especially for volumetric rendering, but... is Matt the only person doing the coding of Terragen? That's one big piece of code.


He's the only one from Planetside, from my understanding Jo is freelance.
Figured out how to do clicky signatures


Jo and Matt are both developers on Terragen. Matt handles primary rendering system development and Jo focuses more on the user interface and support systems.

Coming in the beta will be undo support and some exciting "masking" enhancements, which we'll talk more about soon, along with a number of other more minor changes and fixes of course.

- Oshyan


Ooh masking will be good. I've always hated having to use image maps.
Figured out how to do clicky signatures


Quote from: cyphyr on October 09, 2008, 01:36:25 PM
I cant think of anything that really needs to be fixed anymore. 

There are still some things broken like the make river tool, single rock object. I'm sure other people are aware of other problems that need fixing.

Quote from: cyphyr on October 09, 2008, 01:36:25 PM
there's certainly nothing new coming in, were at feature lock already.

It's been mentioned that at least an undo feature is due before release and who knows if anything else is coming, so I wouldn't say it's feature locked.


Your right of course. Maybe its just that I've never used the terrain generation tools that much, if I'm after something specific I would use a more purpose built terrain generator (GeoControle, World Builder etc) that have far more developed terrain editing tools. The river tool specifically seems erroneous to me. Its never really worked, is completely un-predictable and a simple bitmap image mask will do a far better job, maybe I'm missing something ;)

But Oooh there's a beta on the horizon, great can't wait :D


Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)