Cool Vue 7.5 Image

Started by efflux, May 27, 2009, 11:29:31 PM

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I tried blender and got a decent planet out of it.  Then I deleted it, cause the interface was insanely confusing.  Like trying to text in a foreign language, while drunk, and covering one eye.
-MATRIX2003-      ·DHV·  ....·´¯`*

Henry Blewer

Try modeling a sphinx? I thought it would be cool to line the entrance road to my desert temple. I would get it nearly there, and the surfaces would start going wacky. I gave up. The compositing functions work well, but the interface is still, well just weird.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


Quote from: comvat25 on August 02, 2009, 03:04:00 AM
Just want to say, I have been using vue for about 6 months and thought about TG2 and trying that out.. but after reading many threads and seeing the TG2 attitude.. i'm kinda disgusted.

A fool-proof cure for your disgust is to stop visiting this forum and go to Renderosity Vue one; there you will find thriving community of Vue fanboys.



Evidently there is a great deal of immaturity here.  Seriously, did you read my post til the end or just assume I was bashing from the start?  From the way some of you react makes the community so very amateur and not professional at all.


Quote from: comvat25 on August 02, 2009, 01:55:28 PM
Evidently there is a great deal of immaturity here.  Seriously, did you read my post til the end or just assume I was bashing from the start?  From the way some of you react makes the community so very amateur and not professional at all.

What are you talking about ?
immaturity ? you come in the officila PlanetSide forum, don't present yourself or even say hello bu you start your post, your first post by a sentence that say that you're disgusted by the TG2 community !!! how the hell do you think people can deal with such rudness ?!
I did read your post til the end and I don't see the point... you're here to defend Vue, and it is very honorable of you, but your words are not more legitimate than ours :)

oh ! and I am an amateur ;)


Hi those of you complaining about the Blender interface, you should try the svn version of Blender 2.5 which should be out in a few months. The interface has been given a good go over and looks and feels a lot better. As with any big complicated application like this it's still going to take a while to work out what everything does and to get the most out of it you need to learn the keyboard shortcuts. But once you "get into it" you'll be amazed at what this application can do.



Quote from: comvat25 on August 02, 2009, 01:55:28 PM
Evidently there is a great deal of immaturity here.  Seriously, did you read my post til the end or just assume I was bashing from the start?  From the way some of you react makes the community so very amateur and not professional at all.

I've known some of these people for a long time.  We occasionally have fun  -but no one here acts inappropriately.  As far as immature goes, I will be 53 in a couple weeks, so I would hope that rules me out!  You treat the Vue comments as "Vue bashing" or whatever.  Most people here have used every single program they can get their hands on, and that would include Vue.  There is no thread here for Vue haters,  merely people that share the results from their efforts.   - period.  
-MATRIX2003-      ·DHV·  ....·´¯`*

Henry Blewer

First, I am looking forward to the interface makeover of Blender. I use Blender often. It is an amazing program. I do have issues with it, the most frustrating is the interface.
Second, Vue. I have a contact on Flickr who uses Vue. His heart is in the right place, but to be honest, his images are nearly always very novice. It is not for his lack of trying, I think it's Vue itself.
I don't want to bash the program. I used it for about one week, frankly good old VistaPro is a better program. (hmm, guess that is a bash) Anyway, I have seen few Vue renders which come close to what a novice can do with Terragen 2. I say use which ever program is best suited for your requirements and taste.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


Seth-  Your work is great, I checked out your portfolio.  I'm not saying amateur as in work quality i'm saying by some of the attitude and assumptions that are made here to just show vue renders and try in every way to relate it to tg2 and how bad it is without understanding the quality of the render is amateur.  Vue can create awesome renders with the right settings, light, terrain, materials and atmosphere just as tg2 can.  I am interested in this software but I just find it discouraging to read on how some of the users do no accept other packages out there and just bash them.  I can see this being great for a forum on or something where its open to any 3d program but you guys need to show respect.  This is a Planetside Forum for terragen products.  I come here to learn more about it and possible put it in my pipeline but i'm just concerned with some of the community that's all.

Matrix- I agree, I belong to many forums and there is a lot of jokes and stuff that go around but I never seen so many threads geared against one thing in a single forum.


Quote from: comvat25 on August 02, 2009, 05:46:27 PM
Vue can create awesome renders with the right settings, light, terrain, materials and atmosphere just as tg2 can.  I am interested in this software but I just find it discouraging to read on how some of the users do no accept other packages out there and just bash them.

I totally agree with that. I like some Vue renders... and i won't be able to do what some people do with Vue. as you said, it is a matter of learning i think.
and I am no part in the TG2 Vs Vue war ^^
still, i prefer TG2 renders in matter of realism, the atmo is just much better to my eyes than Vue's... the main thing about Vue is that it has a much simpler interface, a better objects preview, etc... but at the end, it looks Vue...
anyway, if you wanna learn, you're welcome, but you must admit that your "welcome" post was a bit rude . And that respect must be share by each side.


Quote from: comvat25 on August 02, 2009, 05:46:27 PM
Matrix- I agree, I belong to many forums and there is a lot of jokes and stuff that go around but I never seen so many threads geared against one thing in a single forum.

Hi comvat,

I think you must have started with the wrong threads! This is a long thread, it's been going for a while, and because it specifically talks about Vue there is inevitably going to be some critical comparison between Terragen and Vue. I hope you haven't been put off coming back to our forums. I'd like to make this a place where people can really get a feel for what's possible with Terragen and learn how to get the best from it. This particular thread isn't really representative.

Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


I don't know how TG2 is discussed in the Vue forums since you can't even access them without owning their software, but I'd be surprised if it was more open and fair than this. ;)

Seriously though, Matt said it well. This is probably one of the less even-handed threads here. There are lots of surprisingly good, balanced discussions, considering this is a TG-specific forum. :)

- Oshyan

Henry Blewer

Someday I'd like to get another trail of Vue. I am learning so much using Terragen 2 and from this forum, I don't have time. Every tool box has several screwdrivers. It would be interesting to use the best features of each program to make images and animation.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


I don't really know what this "bad attitude" is. Sure, there is always going to be disagreements of opinion.

I started on Vue but went to Terragen. Terragen didn't last long due to lacking in procedural control and world scale so I went to Mojoworld. I stuck with that for a while and still use it. Then TG2 came out which had a whole load more power than Terragen so now I use that more than anything. I've used all these apps and at present TG2 has the most power to get the most realistic results. By realistic I don't necessarily mean earth like look just rich believable landscapes.

I started this thread because I could see some major advances with Vue recently from the interesting work.

These apps are competing in many areas. I'm sure the developers are interested in what each app is doing.

I think the problem is that people become fan boys of certain apps and get way too defensive rather than concentrating on what gets the results they want the best. After all, these apps all use many similar approaches. It is not that difficult to move from one to another.

I'm a big fan of 3D Coat. The volumetric sculpting is absolutely awesome. I will argue the case for that app but I can see that ZBrush has some things that are better. I just think 3D coat is excellent value and very well designed whereas many things in ZBrush are way more difficult. I have explored both apps properly.