Heightfield Export LWO

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Heightfield Export LWO

Node Description and Purpose: Heightfield Export LWO allows you to export a heightfield terrain into a Lightwave LWO format 3D geometry file for import into another 3D application. The LWO exporter automatically creates 1 or more LWO files in optimally sized chunks, depending on the size of the heightfield. For larger heightfields multiple LWO files will be exported with correct alignment specified in an accompanying LWS scene file. Large heightfield exports are split in this way to avoid overly dense geometry and large model files. The Heightfield Export LWO takes a heightfield node as input and outputs the LWO to the file destination specified when the Export to File button is pressed.

A heightmap or heightfield is an array of height values, usually in a grid which describe the height at specific points in a defined area. Heightfields are used to represent real-world and virtual terrain in a specific, easily converted format. Most heightfields can be represented as simple image data in grayscale, with black being minimum height and white being maximum height.