Image map projection help wanted

Started by Roberts, July 19, 2010, 05:54:27 AM

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I´m having a bit of a problem projecting an image map shader the way I want to. I want the image to be projected on all steep rock faces in my mountain landscape and I want the image to be projected flat on every steep, regardless of which direction (east, west, north or south) they are facing. Now, if I use "plan Y", "side X" or "side Z" on the projection tab the image is always stretched in one direction or the other. How can I make the image project flat on every steep surface regardless of it´s compass direction? In other 3d applications there is often the option to project the image on every face/polygon perpendicular to that polygon´s normal, is that somehow possible in TG2?

Hope I´m making any sense.




You could try using 2 camera's. Point them towards the east and the north (or where you want your image projected). Attach each to a image map shader and set to repeat. Make the camera angle quite small, maybe 40 instead of the usual 60. You could further limit the slope with distribution shaders.
You might end up with overlap, but it's worth a try.



Thanks Dune!

That´s an option if course, I´ll try that.
