Image Map Shader for Atmosphere

Started by Brukhar, March 17, 2011, 02:21:17 AM

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Hey guys,

I'm in the process of developing an image map shader for planetary atmospheres.  I have 2 things that I'm stuck on though:
1. The image it supposed to be a square?  Or a different aspect ratio?
2. When I set Projection Type to "through camera", the atmosphere (namely, the clouds) are like a flat image plane.  I want it to map to the sphere of the planet.  But when I change the projection type to "spherical", it creates some bizarre polar version of it where it's all just white and black angled lines

Please help! :D


From what I know, you have to map spherically (and the texture is oblong, I think), but with the center set at the planet's center.


Yeah Dune is right. To make an spherical map work you need to set it's coordinates same as the planets, which by default would be: 0  ,  -6.378e+006  ,  0



An easy way to copy the planet centre is to open the param view for the planet and then click on the clipboard button at the right of the Centre param. This will let you copy the coordinates which you can then paste into the Position param of the Image map shader using the clipboard button for that param.



Brukhar's what I got so do I make it not suck? xD


Maybe add some fractals? Also you should try increasing cloud depth.
They just issued a tornado warning and said to stay away from windows. Does that mean I can't use my computer?


lol d'oh, today I found out freelancah released one of his scenes for this exact style, i'll be back after i mess with it and see