
Started by QMTD, April 19, 2011, 12:19:06 PM

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Is there a way to use an image as a gel to colour light sources or in other words to create a projector, please?


This is not directly possible at this time but there may be creative workarounds.

- Oshyan


Thanks for your reply.

Do you mean like interposing a transparent textured object? Sorry, but I'm completely new to this programme, I would greatly appreciate a hint.


Yes, something like that. Or possibly using the texture with Through Camera projection and making it luminous (not the same effect but the visual result might be similar). Unfortunately the effect you're trying to achieve probably won't be easy with present limitations.

- Oshyan


Cloud Layers cast shadows, and the cloud's density shader can be coloured to produce coloured shadows.

Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


Ah, great idea Matt.

- Oshyan


Quote from: Matt on April 19, 2011, 11:11:08 PM
Cloud Layers cast shadows, and the cloud's density shader can be coloured to produce coloured shadows.


Really? That doesn't sound logical to me...?


It does.


Not a very clear example if you'd ask me Ulco...?

I suppose I'd either expect yellowish shadows or complementary coloured shadows, in this example violet? But to say I can 1) clearly see shadows 2) which are clearly yellow/violet. No.

Regardless of all of that: it's not logical to me that the density shader controls this.
It should control cloud shape, together with the density/edge sharpness settings (1st tab in cloud node, basically).
I'd suspect the cloud/scatter colours to be of importance and perhaps the ambient setting in the tweak tab, may be.


I must admit I don't understand.
why does density shader would control colours of shadows ?
and, like Martin, don' really understand your example too, sorry :)
I will do some test later today, as I am doing some coloured clouds for some days now, and my shadows are always the same, whatever colour are my clouds...
I'll try as you did on your node network Dune.


It does work though. Apparently the density shader does more than be just a cloud mask for the atmosphere. This was new to me as well.  :)



It is confusing !
The node network you see here is one of many.
Like in many places in TG2 you can get much variation by changing them.
(I put the light cone-cloud in the air for better colored shadow view )


Well, the effect is very obvious if you do what I did. As soon as you add the multiply color the cloud shadow changes color from pure gray to this bluish/violet!


The reason this works is that cloud density is similar to opacity. The opacity can be different in each colour channel.

The way Terragen's density shader works is that it also affects the shape of the cloud. But if you want to control the density in a straightforward way without changing the shape, you can use the final density modulator plug instead of the density shader plug.
Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


When I was messing around with noctilucent clouds, I noticed that I could light a whole scene from clouds alone, even without a sunlight.
If that was localized then it would make a nice, quick-render spotlight, I'd think, since clouds don't require 'enable ray traced shadows' to cast onto other scene elements. You could use whatever mask you'd like in the density shaders to cast the shadows onto the atmosphere and surfaces.