TG Tilt

Started by Markal, December 06, 2011, 08:30:02 PM

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Has anyone else noticed TG2 tends to tilt images to the right? I've adjusted the main render camera many times in my images to 1, .75 or .5 to balance the horizon line.  I know camera height and angle makes a difference and I have used negative camera angles before but, the right lean or tilt...right being lower...bothers me.  Maybe its just me but, the balance of the horizon line on most scenes seems to tilt to the right.
Anyone else notice this???


Funny, but now that you mention it, I've had one or two that seemed somewhat catawampus (my technical term for it).  I was never sure if it was just me or the image really did to tilt slightly, or elongate toward the bottom right corner. See link below for what I'm talking about.


Isn't this just a lens distortion effect? Effect because there is no actual lens.
It has been eaten.