Started by avaslash, February 03, 2013, 08:17:08 AM

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This might not be the best place to ask this question but Im desperate now.

A few years ago (2008-2009) I began to experiment with landscape rendering. That was when I was still in high school. I had a Macbook with leopard installed. However, I wasn't using Terragen. I use Terragen now but I would really like to find the software that I was using before as well. I will describe it to the best of my memory below because the issue is-- I cant remember its name!

It was a lot like Terragen in many ways. The rendered landscapes looked very similar to those generated by Terragen. However, the user interface was a black/grey gradient not the white one that Terragen uses. Terragen classic is restricted to a small square for rendering landscapes however the unknown software actually went on infinitely. You could not sculpt land but It did generate it randomly. You could decrease/increase the mountain size, hight of water, sky, fog etc with slider bars rather than numbers. There were presets for certain things like sky's and terrains. They were in a folder and would be titled things like "Planet_X." The program was particularly good for making alien planets rather than earth like ones because it had a wide selection of interesting skys. I remember that on the left hand side of the user interface were the options, the center had the rendered image in real time that could be explored, moved, rotated in 3D, and on the right was a map that displayed the randomly generated world. Unlike Terragen it was a single window. Does anyone on earth know what I am talking about? I love Terragen, but I wanted to find the old program for old times sake, but now its driving me crazy that I cant find it anywhere! Please help me if you can and thank you.


I suppose you're talking about Mojoworld.

Leave it, keep sticking at TG ;)