Convert Terragen Maps?

Started by scania970, April 15, 2013, 03:16:18 PM

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Hi to everybody. I'm scania970 and I make maps for a free soft-body physics simulator called Rigs of Rods.
I always used L3DT for map making, but now I would like to learn using programs with more tools for map making (and more professional)
I made my first map, very very simple and without huge heightmap modifications, anyway, I would take it into RoR.

Since the terragen maps are on .tgd files, is there a way to convert them into .RAW files, since on the game the heightmaps are defined with this file?


Oh, and I hope I'm on the right section.


Terragen does not output raw files. You can export heightfield terrains to Terragen's TER format (supported by many other applications, including L3DT) and to EXR, which can be easily converted to raw or other image formats with various image editors. To export a heightfield, right-click the Heightfield Generate node and choose Save As.

- Oshyan


I use Terragen2 alongside the original Terragen (I'm sure you can find a link to it somewhere around here).  As Oshyan suggests, use a Generate heightfield node (I usually remove all fractal displacement so I am just exporting the base terrain data), set your heightfield size and resolution, then export to .ter.  Open the resulting .ter in old TG, and from there export as .raw.



Quote from: Oshyan on April 16, 2013, 04:23:49 PM
Terragen does not output raw files. You can export heightfield terrains to Terragen's TER format (supported by many other applications, including L3DT) and to EXR, which can be easily converted to raw or other image formats with various image editors. To export a heightfield, right-click the Heightfield Generate node and choose Save As.

- Oshyan
Ok, thankyou.
Why when I import the ter file on L3DT and then I generate attributes map, light map, etcetera, my map is totally flat?


I'm not clear what you mean "your map is totally flat", nor what you intend to do with the Attribute, Light map, etc. If you use a Heightfield Load on the L3DT exported .TER file, it should load in fine. If it doesn't, that's problem #1 and we can try to address it. You would need to load Attribute, etc. maps separately *if* they're in a compatible image format, and what you do with them would depend on what you're trying to achieve. I'm not familiar with what L3DT is generating, so it's hard to say what they'd be useful for.

- Oshyan


The map is flat, the max height is zero..


OK, can you post the terrain here?

- Oshyan


Yes, sure here it is. You need just the Tgd file right?

Oh, hope you didn't misunderstand me, the map is ok on Terragen 2 but it's flat on L3DT


Ah, I did misunderstand. Sounds like a problem you need to solve in L3DT then. Hopefully the L3DT forums can be helpful for that.

- Oshyan


In your file, the terrain is generated using a procedural terrain. To export this, you need to convert your procedural terrain to a heightfield.

Hopefully this will help:,9319.msg98876.html#msg98876

Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


Quote from: Matt on May 16, 2013, 05:24:28 PM
In your file, the terrain is generated using a procedural terrain. To export this, you need to convert your procedural terrain to a heightfield.

Hopefully this will help:,9319.msg98876.html#msg98876

Thankyou for your reply and sorry for my last answer!

I just read the thread you linked to me, but I've not understand very well, what I need to do.
I go on my Node Network then I must go on Fractal Terrain or Heightfield Shader?
If it's one of them where do I need to set the resolution of my map?


Plug the *last node in your fractal terrain network* into the Shader input of a Heightfield Generate Node. The rest of the instructions are there in the other thread, click *Generate* in the node settings, then in the node network right-click the heightfield node and choose Save As.

- Oshyan


Hi, thankyou for the reply.
I can't understand very well, what I need to do, because english is not my first language, so sometimes I have some problems, may you please show a screenshot of where should I go please?

One time you learn, you never forget the "lesson"  :)


Here's more info...I couldn't find all the other posts where I covered this item, but here are a couple which should help:,11124.msg114082.html#msg114082,11702.msg118672.html#msg118672,11547.msg117807.html#msg117807

I found these using the search by entering keyword "export" + "heightfield" and entering my forum username in the "by username" part.