Vector displacement map

Started by paq, April 29, 2013, 09:26:13 PM

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Is it any kind of trick to use vector displacement map to generate heightfield ?
I did a quick search about the vector displacement shader node, but it doesnt seems to be used for that purpose.

I'm about to start my first real terrain project, and the first sketch I've  recieved from my art director involve some really weird mountain/mass shapes ...

if I would over simplify the shape, it would look like this :

Not really sure how to handle this :S


There was a file some years ago, I believe, making something similar. Can't find it right now. But I believe this can be done with a displaced circular simple shape, and a redirect or warp plus a distribution shader to influence the height at which it should bend.

EDIT: Just tried it; quite simple actually. Maybe with an added bias function you can influence the shape of the horn.


Hi Dune,

Interesting approach, thanks for sharing.
I'm wondering why do you use a distribution shader to limit the twist and not the altitude constraint from the surface layer itself ?


More control over fuzziness, I used a very high fuzzy zone, twice the height at which to bend roughly.

bla bla 2

Tu peux même créer un arbre mort.  ;D Tu as la base déjà.


Peut-être oui... procedural dead trees



Thanks a lot for the suggestion, looks like it's possible to do some really crazy shape with terragen.
For now I'll just scatter external objects, as I'm really not experienced enough to build such shape using displacement tools.

Edit :

It's possible to have verctor displacement inside terragen too :,




I want to understand the Vector Displacement Map . I try to reproduce the horn setup with nodes but I can not. Why?
I do not understand how to change the basic shape with the shader distribution ...
Will have one bad adjustment Twist and shear ?

Here is my file:

Thank you for your help!


This is not really vector displacement. Your variables weren't in order. Check out the differences between your and this file, to see what went wrong.


Something simpler making stones lean. They are small in this example but stones can be mountain sized if desired.,20007.msg197207.html#msg197207



Thank you for the quick response with the File Modified !!
I understand the different change and I began to understand the fuzzy zone ...

Thanks again! ( And thank you Google translate :) )